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RE: Psychology Addict # 39 | Need For Approval & External Validation

in #psychology7 years ago

Hello @javisem 😃

The observation you made about people, who in the past didn't really fit in reminded of a friend my mother had. He was like that, he just kept his personal life to himself and resorted to painting and poetry as a means to alleviate his inadequacy in life.

The difference between the present and those long gone days is the fact that the line between what is private and public has been completely blurred; and social media has contributed hugely to this!

Ha! I love the point you made about the ego :D

And, of course, I love how you concluded your discussion. It is indeed our need to belong that turns not only us; but many, many animals into social beings. It is thanks to this need that we are able to form deep, long lasting relationships.

Much, much love to you from Portugal ❤


Gracias a ti por esas publicaciones, en mi mente hay un mundo de letras, pero tengo dificultad en muchas ocasiones para expresarlos, me falta pedagogía para hacer textos técnicos.
Es decir siempre me voy y digo mi punto directamente :b