There's so much positive scientific and psycho-therapeutic benefits to Psilocybin.
This is definitely new territory to me. And, one of the reasons why your work on this topic got my attention it because you address it very sensibly. Plus, you are bringing evidence to your statements (which I appreciate very much).
With a single dose, under guided therapy, all the participants experienced a significant reduction in anxiety. Essentially, easing the fear of death. That's a huge implication!!
This interests me very much! I will definitely look into it. Gosh, my list of things to read over the summer holidays are getting longer and longer :)
Have a great day!!
Then you should check out MAPS and the Heffter Research Institute. Doctors and psychologists all working on the scientific validity that cultures across the globe have known, that mushrooms are healing. Dr. Robert Carhart-Harris is another leading researcher in the field, and he's specifically focused on the psycho-therapeutic benefits of Psilocybin and firmly believes that it can/should be incorporated into more traditional therapies. Thanks for taking an interest!