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RE: Psychology Addict # 55 | The Role Biology Plays in Defining Who We Are - A Critical Discussion.

in #psychology6 years ago

Calling @alexander.alexis!!

What a post. 🌟 I am once again hungry for more, as is true whenever you write. Of course, this discussion has no end. You are clear about that. In so many aspects of this subject one has to take some position, but always with qualifiers. It's bigger than nature nurture. And we have so much to learn.

While I was reading I thought about my own children as infants and the quality of my parenting. And then I think...that ship has sailed. I did my best :))

I found this fascinating:

Genetic research revealed that babies carrying the minor mineralocorticoid receptor allele (which is involved in the regulation of stress) are more efficient (faster and better) at processing caregivers’ responses, and therefore, react to it accordingly.

You mention the way prenatal hormones may influence gender preference. I'm wondering about how epigenetic factors my influence expression of this stress regulator gene, so that, the stress of the parent may become a kind of generational legacy, even before a child is born.

Such a complicated subject. And you handle it in such a balanced way--enlightening us without lecturing.

Hardfork 21. Feels like a blockchain apocalypse. I've no understanding of this at all. Keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best.

I'll see you in a couple of weeks, no doubt with another rich post.

With great affection and respect,🌞

Your New York friend,


Hello agmoore2 😍

I'm wondering about how epigenetic factors my influence expression of this stress regulator gene, so that, the stress of the parent may become a kind of generational legacy, even before a child is born.

There are so many layers to the human condition right? All interdependent influencing one another and so forth, and so forth ... my goodness :)

I am so very glad you found this post interesting. Like you, I am also fascinated by how attachment might be moderated by genes.

And ... that is definitely the spirit, what might have been done or not done in bygone days is done and dusted. The sensible thing to do is to live the present moment wisely. Lamenting the past is not included in that! :)

HF21 week here we come! Fingers crossed :P

It's a hot day today over here my friend. But it's nice!
Lots of love to you always, all the way from across the ocean :*
Your friend,


Learn from the past. Look to the future. Only way to survive :)
I'll see you on the other side of Hardfork. Whatever that is like, I'll still be here.
Have a wonderful, peaceful day.
Your New York friend,