Good as always!
My addition is that violence is the superficial outlet of the lack of Love we experience in the world, and this begings in and with each one. Of course there are governments which somewhat foster this lack of Love out of their own hurt egos which doesn't accept loss at all costs. Yet when we ask ourselves why people act so egoic it always roots in personal life experiences where they didn't receive the Love they were asking for. So basically we have never-ending vicious circle being kept intact by each one's call for Love being unrequited by others...
That is my personal insight, thank you! :)
Thanks a lot for your pertinent comment.
Yes, the main thing is how to change the perpetuating transfer of violence of past generations.
The world could work if kids didn't suffer the family violence, but family is becoming more unstable and living in a more violent world. Difficult to solve.........
The love of governments is money for them and their lobbying groups, they don't care about people anymore.
Centralized structures can't feel love because they have only one love, power over people, domination and total submission to their interests