When a woman starts to flirt with a man, she usually gives off some indications of interest. They are usually very subtle but with a moderate understanding of body language, guys can tell very fast, if a woman is flirting with them or not. Anyway, here are some tips on how to spot flirting female body language that is easy to learn:
She is playing with her hair. Whenever a girl is flirting with you, she will usually play with her hair in front of you. This is usually a good sign because it means she likes you. She will usually brush her hair back or just curl it around her fingers. If she does that and looks intensely into your eyes, she is flirting with you.
She touches you a lot. A woman, who is attracted to you, will usually touch you, when she is flirting with you. It can be a very subtle, like just by playfully touching you or by “accident”. In such case, always try to touch her back. However, when you are not sure if she is flirting with you or not, just touch her and see how she reacts. If she touches you back, she is definitely flirting with you and most likely is attracted to you.
She points her toes towards you. A girl who flirts with you, usually has her whole body turned towards you. The best way to notice this is to look at her toes. If they are pointing towards you, then she is interested in you and is flirting. Then you have her attention. However, when she looks like she is about to walk away, this could (but doesn’t always have to) mean that she isn’t that interested.
She smiles a lot. A warm smile can tell a lot about a person. If she looks at you and smiles a lot, then you can guess what she is doing. When you talk to her and she lights up whenever you open your mouth, she is interested in you. You can even test this by telling a random, not so funny joke, to see if she starts to laugh. If she does, she is interested in you.
She looks into your eyes. Holding long, intense eye-contact is a good indication that a woman is flirting with you. When you are having an interaction with her and she looks at you and doesn’t let anything else distract her, she is interested in you. It’s also very important to hold intense eye-contact yourself, because this way she will understand, that you are interested in her as well.
So, these were some easy to remember tips on how to spot if a woman is flirting with you only by reading her body language.
hell yeah...these infos are really helpful. now I know the signs... is it also applicable to a girlfriend? haha
This applies to all women;)
hahaha thank you so much..