in #psychology8 years ago (edited)


What makes humans individuals; behavior, and what guides those behavior ?..that has many factors and one of them is the theory of temperaments.

Over 400 years ago before Christ, a Greek philosopher Hippocrates made a pro-founding discovery on human behavior. According to him, our behaviors are influenced by four fluids in our body; blood, yellow bile, black bile and phlegm. These body chemicals according to Hippocrates, determines to a great extent our character as a person. To him, those with much blood are lively people total extrovert, those with much yellow bile (choler) he classified as active individuals, the black biles,sad/moody ones, and persons with much phlegm he believed are the slow, calm and cool ones.

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Hippocrates just like other great thinkers of his time, had a clue of the bigger picture but not very clear about it, his ideas even though not scientifically proven dominates the study of behavior and personality, thus this gave lead to psychologists to dig more into the determinants of behavior and the features of those propounded by Hippocrates.
Thus, we have ;

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The Sanguine(blood)

They are those you would call extroverts. They are warm, buoyant, lively and enjoying kind of personality. one how is a Sanguine has an usual capacity to enjoying him/her self, and has the tendency to lift the spirit of those around him/her, they do not find it difficult to associate,making new friends is something they do with ease. They do not like solitude and doesn't get the benefit of locking oneself away.

He seldom lacks words to express him self which sometimes makes him to talk before he thinks.

His noisy, blustering, friendly nature makes him appear more confident than he really is, but his energy and admirable dispositions gets him by the rough times of life. People have a way of excusing his weakness by saying "that's just the way he/she is."

The Sanguines often makes the best hospital workers, salesman, public speakers, actors, teachers and occasionally good leaders.

The Choleric(yellow bile)


The choleric are active, practical, strong-willed, self independent temperament. They love activity, but not when its aimles because they like to be practical, keen minded, capable of making sound decisions and can very much think on their feet.

They often has their own stance on issues and don't much flow with the crowd, they have the tendency of crusading against social injustice or unhealthy situations. They often succeeds where other fail, not because their plans are better than that of those who failed but because they have dogged determination which makes them to keep on pushing.

They don't show compassion easily and do not sympathize easily, not that are sadists but finds it had to do.
They are quick to recognize opportunities, and tends to be domineering, bossy and does not hesitate to use people to accomplish their ends. They are often considered an opportunist.

They often make good producers, directors, idea man, generals, leaders.

The Melancholy(black bile)

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They often make a very faithful friend, even though they are not much prone to people like the Sanguine, but rather lets people come to them. They are those we now call the introverts.

They tend to be very analytical which causes they to diagnose accurately the obstacles and dangers of any project he/she is part of planing. They usually finds their greatest meaning in life through personal sacrifice.

A melancholy is more likely to enroll in a monastery and live a quite and thoughtful life, they often don't rush through the issues of life, they are of the quote that" nature dose not rush, yet everything is accomplished"

They make the most artists, musicians, inventors, philosophers, educator and theologians.

The Phlegmatic(Phlegm)

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Phlegmatic gets The name from what Hippocrates thought was the body fluid(the phlegm) that produced that "calm, cool, slow, easy going, well-balanced personality." Life for him or her is happy, unexcited, pleasant experience in which he avoids much involvement as possible.

The phlegmatic always manage to keep their emotions in check and are actually more capable than he/she seems.
They tend to be spectators in life and tries not get too involved with the activities other.

Once motivated to action, he/she proves capable. He/she will not take leadership positions but when given to him , he will prove to be an efficient and capable leader, He has a conciliating effect on others and is a natural peace-maker.

They often excels in meticulous works like accountant, teacher, leader, scientist, diplomat.

People often get tempted to know the temperament of their friends, lovers, associates etc. That is not a very good idea because it most at time makes them to have a schema, a narrowed mind set about the person which is not healthy for a relationship.

These tools should be used to understand your self better, according to Socrates, an unexamined life is not worth living.

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Now that you have known your temperaments, my next post will be on their weaknesses, because it is better to know your weakness better than your strength for it is good to keep your friends close but better to keep your enemies closer.

Maybe you didn't just fit into only one temperament after you have analyzed your self, not to worry, you are not alone because one can even have a bit of all the four, but you can't just have one.

Let me know what you think, do you believe in these temperament, and how have yours guided your behavior.

Thanks for reading, kindly Upvote, comment and resteem.

Image source google imageFollow @arizonawise.