My video on how to to be more open minded and how stop thinking in absolutes can help....
Here we go!
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On how language influences us:
On absolute truths:
On the limitations our conditioning puts upon us:
On growing our own potential:
I'm planning on putting more content out on my youtube channel soon as well, so feel free to subscribe if you like what you see!

Meditation is key! Been doing it for a year now, and YES it's a life changer. It simply works wonders! There is so much potential hiding in our ability to see things holistically and as one single variable. Much more effortless and flow-like than the ones and zeros, that's for sure!
So true! Meditation can do so much! I actually recently discovered, yoga can do too actually! :)
My big push this last year in my life was to always be AWARE.
I have been a black and white person my entire life.
Which was kind of Ironic seeing as I am a conservative republican.
I just grow to accept things, and bite my tongue until I see things in the eye's of others.
very clever video, and fun to watch
Sounds like a good push you made there! :)
Working on being aware, can make life so much easier, and us so much happier. At least that's what I experience. It helps me put things into context for sure!
Good luck on your inner journey still and happy to hear you liked the video! :)
I think being aware of what you think and the biases or reasons behind it (without involving yourself emotionaly) would be more efective in changing your perseption, rather than trying to stop that way of thinking. Trying not to think about something is a sure way of thinking even more about it. Or at least thats my take on it ;)
Keep it up, Im always interested in such topics haha
I really loked ur post :0) interesting. Fillowed and upvoted
Happy to hear and thanks! ^^
... maybe you're NOT just popping in and out of existence. Maybe there IS a such thing as objective truth.
If you live in grey areas, and not black and white, surely you are open to the possibility that you are dead wrong.
Binary thinking IS primal. You either survive and thrive, or you go about life thinking that nothing is absolute, and you end up spending your life defending a past awful choice, to the point that you go mad. That is the end result for people who can not accept that some things they do or think are actually objectively wrong.
You might be up for this read (link below). Mine is quite a different approach with respect to Peterson's (the psychologist you're lauding on many posts, hope I did not misspell his name).
He's okay, but I believe the best approach against relativism is to go straight to the absolute, then, of course, you have to show the frightened relativist that the absolute is not "scary", it is not "absolutist" or "tyrannical". It is no more "absolutist" than the bones are "tyrannical" to a living body.
But you will have to do some serious reading. The original print out of the pdf is 14 pages, so you can gauge the length.
Indeed all maybe's so not absolutes. Doesn't mean there is not a framework build on wrong or right, it's just build on the current knowledge and you are open minded to change in these areas.
And it's not that you go around constantly affirming things are not absolute. You just use the information at hand and change your opinion accordingly without being invested in them....
You think and exist in absolutes, that is, in the absolute being of God and with absolute concepts like "existence". I believe it is proven here (if you're up for some serious reading):
Thanks for the link! Will check it out! :)
NIce video! You have a lot of energy.
Thanks! I guess I get quite excited bout these things ye 😊
I guess thinking in absolute truths, is the same as not accepting the truth. Truth is about perspective.
That's an interesting way of putting it! I noticed that ever s ince I've become more aware about it that indeed it's about estimates and I'm so much more open minded!
Bravo 👏🏼, you deserve this 🏆 😁
Thanks!!!! :)