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RE: --- Angry German Shepherd Just Needed Love ---

in #psychology6 years ago

What a revealing experiment! Just sad what the German Shepherd had to go through, its sure these unpleasant experiences that made him toughen up and want to protect himself/his territory from others. He just had a hard time trusting and he only wanted to scare people off, not to harm them...

Many times those in most need of love, are ones who seem to deserve it the least.

Agree with you on that!! It may seem like they are not deserving of it but they sure need it, and giving them that love brings out the best in them. And sure, love and compassion goes a long way irrespective of the things that appears to divide us all.

About the place you grew up at, I think using bikes made it more adventurous, don't you think?


@audreybits thank you so much for reeading and commenting on my article :)

Yes, seeing the living conditions and the lifestyle that the German Shepherd had to endure put lots of things into perspective. there is a reason that he was so upset all the time, and once it was established and worked on the results were amazing, all he needed was to be understood and shown some love and affection.

yeah the bikes were a big part of being able to be social in the community and being able to get around in the area led to many adventures down bush tracks, building forts, playing army in the bushland, finding places to swim, catching wildlife (and releasing after having a good look at the amazing creatures), and so much more.... it was a fun ADVENTURE TIME!!!!!!!!!

Animals do have feelings too and that's something we need to understand, it is sad that we often overlook that. Your experiments shows that just like human hearts can be touched with the act of love, even that of animals too can be and they do deserve that much of love from us. We do need to treat them with a little bit more respect and love...

Wow!! What an amazing time you had growing up, I can only imagine how great that was. I am sure you would love to recreate those fun memories again. Or do you still go on such adventures? (No we are never too old for it lol!)...

yes they are sentient beings who are far more human than we give them credit for, they feel emotion, can empathize via emotion, express themselves through body language , vocal expression and much more. Mankind has been conditioned to see all other life as "lesser" than our own, but if we take the time to look beyond our own perspective we can see that there is so much more beyond the surface value we have been than we have told.

No more adventures for me at the moment, have had a physical injury tp the spine which prevents much of the physical and social activities i used to partake in :( but what can we do but continue as best we can.

These guys do amazing work with animals which have been neglected and abandoned etc.

I love your thoughts about them, its really amazing... Seeing beyond our own perspectives is definitely a great way to understand the feelings of others (animals inclusive). Its crazy how we sometimes get immersed in our own world and become oblivious to the feelings of others...

Oh, sorry to hear that. Well, I am glad to know that you are still doing your best despite all that!

And the video, its really impressive what these guys do, its amazing to see people take steps towards giving these animals a new and better life.

if only our society was capable of showing such empathy compassion and understanding for one and other :) lets hope we make the shift in the future to a better connection with each other and the life of other beings and nature :)