Yes it's true friend.
Three words. No bullshit.
With just three words you can completely change how you perceive your life.
Want to know why?
It's because most of what you define as your "life" isn't really your life at all.
"Umm...okay axios what does that even mean?
What I mean is...
How you define and judge the circumstances of your life, has less to do with what life actually is, and more to do with the story you create about it.
In order to interpret reality, we place meaning on it.
If there was no meaning, then life wouldn't matter. We'd likely be dead already (lol).
However, since we place meaning on our life (our work, partners, friends, likes, dislikes)...
...we also create stories.
When you sit down and chat with another human for the first time, what will they often ask you?
What's your story?
You've heard that one before, right?
Have you ever wondered why the answer to that question is always changing?
We Write Our Life's Story
Obviously life is changing, but we are also constantly redefining what life means to us on a moment to moment basis.
Then we create stories about those defining moments.
Sometimes those definitions - or that story - is uplifting, empowering, and motivating.
While other times... it can be quite the opposite.
Do you have any drama shows that you like?
Lately I've been watching the show "The Walking Dead" which is an extremely dramatic show.
In just about every episode, something crazy and intense transpires.
And that's what keeps things interesting, right?
If every episode portrayed just another normal day, I'd likely start looking for a new show.
Believe it or not, your mind is a great director, and it knows how to put on an epic show.
And when you're going through tough times, your mind has this tendency of dramatizing every bit of it.
What I mean by that is that it blows things out of proportion.
What might be (in actuality) a small issue from a third person perspective, becomes a nail-in-the-coffin-my-life-is-over sort of experience.
We begin to experience things as being much more intense than they really are.
Would you ever want this?
If you were to ask me, I'd say a big fat NO!
Identifying The Three P's
There are three ways in which we dramatize and generalize our reality.
We call these the three P's.
They are the three words that we want to linguistically deconstruct.
Once we do, our reality changes, because we begin to see it quite differently.
The First P Is "Personal"
When we make things personal, we begin to think that everything in our reality is happening as a result of who we are.
A concept is generalized to make it seem like we, our entire being, is the root cause of what's happening.
For instance, if you were to fail an exam in school, you might personalize it by saying "I'm just not smart enough."
Now are you really not smart enough?
Or could it be something else that's specifically causing you to fail?
The Second P Is "Pervasive"
In this instance, we will take a concept and apply it to everything or everyone.
Have you ever been at a holiday dinner with family members who are hyper-pessimistic about the world?
Grumpy ol' Uncle Alfred might say something like: "man oh man, is the world going to shit or what?"
Now, is the entire world really going to shit?
No, it's not. Some parts of it maybe - but not all of it.
Although this may seem simple and not a huge deal, it can quickly become a big deal when we incorporate this false concept into our story.
When your story is "my world is going to shit" it becomes a lot more difficult to be proactive.
Why try in a failing world?
The Third P Is "Permanent"
When "bad" things happen, it's pretty common to fall into the "permanent" trap.
"This will last forever"
This is a phrase that is highly inaccurate and potentially debilitating!
A good example of this is with student loans.
I have a lot of them and when I left school my mindset was simply...
"I'm going to be broke forever!"
I was overwhelmed with my debt, and at the time had no way of getting out of it, so it felt like forever.
The Three Words That Will Change Your Life
Now these three P's do not serve us as they often generalize our perception of reality in unresourceful ways.
In order to shift out of these perspectives, we need to consider utilizing different language.
These next three words, when used appropriately, will serve to break down a generalization to uncover a more specified, practical, and objective explanation of your reality.
By doing this, you'll neutralize the drama your mind may be creating.
The First Word Is "This"
It is not about you as a person, it is about some event, action, or behavior.
You are not the problem, it's much more specific than that.
When you can define exactly what that is, then you can actually take tangible action.
For instance, about two years ago I was taking improv classes.
I was really struggling with them.
At the end of my practice I would say things like "I'm just not that funny" or "I'm not an actor".
I was making my story about this experience very personal.
However, when I used the word "this" to specify what is actually happening, I learned a few things:
First I realized that the people in my class were all new to me, and thus I wasn't used to performing improv scenes with them. This definitely had an impact on my own performance.
Secondly, I realized that the teaching style was different than what I was used to. I was doing more observing and discussion, rather than my preferred preference of just doing.
Thirdly, I realized that I was still very new to improv, and that because I simply hadn't committed many hours to this art form, it made sense as to why I was finding it a bit challenging.
Initially, I was the problem.
If this were true, that would mean I would likely need to quit improv because I can't just get rid of me!
Once I specified what the problem really was (an event, person, or behavior), I was able to take tangible action to resolve the challenges I was experiencing.
The Second Word Is "Here"
The second P talked about pervasiveness, as in applying a concept to everything and everyone.
By utilizing the word "here" we are able to be specific about what things, places, or people something is actually impacting.
"Everyone is so depressed these days."
Clearly this is a generalized statement that implies a concept that is objectively false.
Instead, you can change that by applying the concept "HERE" or to a specific event or person.
"Jimmy and Susan seem so depressed" would be an example of that.
We are specifying exactly who is being affected, instead of generalizing that perspective everywhere and to everyone.
The Third Word is "Now"
The only constant in life is change.
Would you agree?
If so, then we can be sure that nothing will last forever.
Life is temporary and it is always changing.
When we say things like "I'm stuck with this forever", it creates an emotional overtone that can limit what we think we are capable of.
Instead of generalizing time and applying it to your story in a permanent manner, make it temporary.
Instead of "I'm stuck with this forever" say, "I feel stuck with this right now."
You could even say something like, "I'm going to just accept that I'm stuck with this for the next hour, then I'm going to try something different."
By redefining your concept of time, you can significantly alter how you perceive any situation in your life.
I know I do this A LOT and by shifting to a temporary, moment-to-moment perspective, I've noticed that I'm much more willing to take on obstacles and issues as soon as they come at me.
Direct A New Kind Of Show
Your mind is powerful.
Have you discovered that yet?
It's insanely powerful.
And with that power, you can use it for good...
...or for not so good.
Our mind can convince us of many things.
Some things are accurate...
...and some not so much.
While we may not always be 100% accurate with our stories, we sure can cut out the extra fat that does not serve us.
THIS, HERE, and NOW are powerful words.
When we learn to use these concepts more frequently, we can completely change what the world around us looks like.
Because why direct a crappy horror movie...
...when you could be creating a beautiful masterpiece?
Reflection Questions:
- In what ways do you generalize?
- Which P do you realize you utilize most often?
- Which word(s) (THIS, HERE, or NOW) do you think will be most helpful to you in the future?
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Change is the only constant, deconstruct your ego, and with strong focus you are right on your path my brother! Awesome post :)
Exactly, very much a deconstruction here! Thanks so much @markosky!
Sounds like you get it man - thanks for inviting me to read your post! Have you heard of the Earth Nation Steemit Guild? We are a movement of changemakers working together to create a better world. One of the ways we are doing that is by joining forces on Steemit and upvoting each other's posts to create a basic income for our tribe. Check out our website and our Steemit Guild site (this is a temporary URL - working on wrapping up our new website atm).
Right! He's ALL IN!
Hey @theprism thanks for reading! I have heard of you guys and have read a few articles. Always impressed by what y'all are building. How would you recommend getting involved on Steemit?
This is a wonderful post! Love the whole idea. I have been telling people some of this like when it comes to taking this personally. Damn, many people take shit personally and relate it to them causing them to suffer internally and project negative energy outwards. Man, I enjoyed your videos too!
Thanks so much @thegiamarcos. Yeah that personal schtuff will definitely do you in if you let it. Thankfully it's an easy mental fix if you let it ;-) thanks for stopping by and great to connect!
Always a pleasure!
As always, I couldn't agree more. Life is now, our present is our biggest present. :)
I've been waiting for your post whole day. You are my favourite on Steemit. :)
@dreamdiary I read this yesterday and it made me feel so nice :) I spent a lot of time on this post and towards the end I caught myself thinking "is anyone even going to read this?" lol. It feels so good to know that it's appreciated! I really enjoy your content too by the way. Thank youuuu!
I am celebrating my first week on this platform and I mentioned your blog as one of my favourites in my new post :) hope many people will read it and come to check this out :)
You are so sweet! Checking now :)
Wow.. Very rich content. Thanks for sharing @axios
I appreciate it brother!
Thank you for inviting me to read your publication, it really seems to me a publication of high quality content, it is more daring to say that it is undervalued, since it is well explained step by step and expresses a lot of emotion, really reading it raises the mood of anyone. You have my vote in this publication and I follow you. Greetings.
I really appreciate this @carlos84. Your sincere words mean a lot to me and encourages me to keep creating. Thanks so much for sharing, friend!
Oh yeah, I have been trying very hard to stop generalizing. One of the hardest to get rid of is "all the time". NOTHING is all the time! Now (lol) I can remember the word "now" from this post and try to battle that one. Awesome post!
Lol yes that's such a big one! I do it too but NOW is such a powerful word when you start using it more. Thanks for reading!
Nicely shared once again!
Thank you @lilastar!
This is really great advice. It can be hard to separate facts from feelings but it's so important to do so. It's one thing to think "I'll be miserable forever" and another thing to say "I FEEL like I'm going to be miserable forever". Another thing I've noticed is that when we get into that trap of confusing feelings with facts, we can trick ourselves into thinking that we've never been happy or that things have always been terrible, which just makes the whole situation worse.
That's something I'm working on now. When I'm feeling down I have a tendency to think things have ALWAYS been bad but I have to talk to myself mentally and be like "You know things haven't always been bad, you're just feeling bad right NOW."
@kristyleann, I feel you there. The concept of time is always a big one for me. It's worked extremely well in relationships too. When you're in an argument or things just aren't working, I always say things like "right now..." or "at this moment...". It really helps to clarify what is actually happening and reduces the intensity of the conversation so you can stick to the objective points and find a solution with your partner.
Glad you found this useful @kristyleann. Thanks for reading :)
Such a great insight into what's common to many people and yet they don't seem to take cognizance of the reason behind their own reasoning and perception about the things in their lives.
Thanks for sharing this.
We really need to get rid of every obstacle to our growth in life but before we can do that, we must know what the problem is.
You got it @skymath01. Gotta know what it is in order to accept it. Gotta accept it to move from it!
So, I take it you're familiar with locus of control from psychology? This concept reminds me a lot of it. Check it out here (link to Psychology Today article).
Great read! Thanks for sharing.
I actually have not heard of that one. I learned this concept via my studies in Neuro-Semantics. That article definitely does reference what I'm explaining here. We're developing internal locus with these strategies. Thanks for sharing!
What an incredibly powerful post @axios! I've struggled with the feeling that my problems are significant and permanent for a long time.
Recently, I have been trying to put things into perspective. To do this, I close my eyes and imagine my 'problem' as an object. I then place this object in a box and start to take an overhead camera view of it. As I start to zoom out, I like to imagine that this box is sat in a forest.
I continue to zoom out, until I can only just see the top of the trees. My box is nowhere to be seen. It's a tiny entity, lost within a vast forest. I continue to zoom out. I'm in the clouds, then in space, then in a distant galaxy.
By doing this, I've come to realise that things aren't as big as they seem. My problem is now an almost meaningless spec in the grand scheme of things. When I return to my day, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted, and can take the necessary steps to get rid of my tiny problem.
Ricky Gervais once said, "When you're fed up or stressed about life, just remember, you will be dead & forgotten soon, so nothing really matters". It's a little bleak, but I can't help but smile and find a little comfort whenever I read it.
That's a great strategy @philnewton. It's amazing what you can do when you play around with the concept of space and your relationship to concepts in your mind.
I agree that the quote sounds bleak but it definitely does have that "fuck it" kind of attitude to it, which I've found quite useful many times in my life ;-)
Thanks for reading and sharing @philnewton!
Thanks for sharing, wow, nice
Thank you @diondion!
Woah. This is now my favorite post. I couldn't agree more. Thanks for sharing
Thank you so much @sakura1012
Good stuffy. Axios = Study of value. Where we shift them.
You could learn alot from me.
Yes axios means "worthy" as in... I am worthy, you are worthy ;-)
Again and again I see messages like yours, all reaffirming the teachings of Libby McGugan, Scottish physician, Ted Talk speaker, positive thinker -
See The Fifth Force – Quantum Ghosts Trilogy
Thank you for your thoughtful post, axios!
Awesome! I'll have to check her out. Thanks for sharing @carolkean :)
I am totally agreed with the 3P rule but somehow life is all about memories which let you think about your past, your best time, worst time and a meaningful smile.
Really loved your post.
Memory and imagination both have profound impacts on us, agreed!
These are indeed powerful words @axios. The truth is marketers use these words to in marketing copy, which we called them the Power Words.
Yep agreed! Words are powerful and they definitely inspire action!
These are some good tricks to put this into a more proper perspective! It seems to be good practice to examine our thoughts and re-frame them to make them more manageable.
Yes exactly. Mind management is the key!
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Thank you for the article. I enjoyed it very much.

This is cognitive therapy to replace the wrong thoughts with the right thoughts. Thank you for writing and sharing!
You know it's a normal thing for someone to be see the problem and say it but it's rare to see one who can know the problem and also provide a way out.
Thanks again.Awesome post @axios.
I thoroughly enjoyed your post. You have a powerful visionary process to help people heal a damaged psyche, whether shaking off the Illusion spell or trauma based mind control. Followed and voted, I only wish I would have seen this 2 months ago