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RE: a

in #psychology6 years ago

Hey bub, way t' be on recognizing dysfunction and actually doing something about it. That's a win right there, as you're in the extreme minority regarding that.

Stay aware of the residual influences of the demonic cultural paradigm you were raised within. Recognize spots where your self-worth is being tarnished by the equating of material "value" with personal value, or where social popularity (be it with friends or sexual partners) provides and invalid benchmark for life success.

True success lies in discovering Truth, escaping the illusion, and expressing your authentic self. This often differs greatly from the self we see through the cultural lens, even if only a little bit of that lens remains.

Remember that thoughts and emotions are just another experience of the true self - no different than seeing a tree or hearing a song. They are not you. Emotions just indicate where your thoughts are at, and can be brought into a better place by shifting your attention to better-feeling thoughts that you know to be rooted in Truth (pretty lies won't work).

Just a reminder, as I'm sure you're aware of these things. You needn't do anything, accomplish anything, become anything to increase your worth. You're as worthy as you'll ever be - as worthy as anyone can ever be - right now. Enjoy the journey, there is no destination.