Inner Peace: The Power of Thought - Choose your Reactions.

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)

It looks like the human mind (our thoughts) has become the enemy of Inner Peace. All human experience is generated within. Essentially, it all boils down to how we react to our experiences, and using consciousness to control and produce beneficial thought.

Having understood that the quality of your Life is result of your choices, you will be quick to realize some inner engineering is required.

All human experience is generated from within; we have to choose our positive (or neutral) reactions and thoughts. Often, it is helpful to remember not all situations need a reaction.

...So, it's all about Thought.

Why the need to overthink?
Why say Yes, when you mean No?
Are our reactions tied to past experiences?
Do we trust that we will get what's needed/desired?

Are people the product of their environment?

Our actions have consequence to those around us, and others to us. Positive Communication and Behaviour is key to maintaining a positive society/environment/community/people (call it what you will).

People in general, react positvely to positive actions and words.
Likewise, we too, have to commit to creating a peaceful, joyful and loving world for everyone.

In a normal Life, pleasant experiences like vacations and family celebrations do not happen everyday. We are fixated on routine tasks like household chores, careers and children. There are bills to pay, meals to prepare, laundry to be washed,...this can all quickly become overwhelming.

This "everyday pleasantness" has to be permanent, not another fleeting fad.

Going back to the beginning of this post, by realizing we are in charge of our thoughts we become 'conscious' of our choices.

Clear the mind-clutter.

Like decluttering a room, organise your mind; Train your mind, make it a habit, to have only good thoughts!

You are in charge.

The mind should take instruction from you. Not you, take instruction from the mind.

Think of the brain as a computer, when you allow this computer to control your thoughts, slipping a byte or two of negativity (viruses that harm your computer) while it's at it, you are essentially Zombified. Robotic. A.I bots. - Helplessly controlled.

Fight back against the control. Force yourself to think of other choices of reaction - does the circumstance warrant a reaction or is your Ego taking a stroll?
Question yourself.


When you realize the power of the mind, and begin to take charge of your thoughts through conscious effort, see the silver linings, and hold gratitude in your heart, it is inevitable that you will always use a softer approach. Not only will you find yourself happier but lighter and content.

The mind works best when it is at peace. So allow yourself to be a joyful, peaceful human being!

Until you make the right choices, the right situations/people won't be able to find you. If a thing isn't working for you, perhaps the mind needs a clean-up.

Meditation is a powerful ally.

Not only does it help with sifting through the mental and emotional clutter, I find it helps center your thoughts. Stops you from overanalyzing and going into the “what if’s”.

Teaches me the power of living Now, in this moment. This moment is all we have, and what happens in the next moment, is determined but our choices in this one. Such is, Life.

The art of Stillness.

Once you are able to Still your thoughts, then you are able to choose the thoughts you want to entertain. We must instruct our mind, use the right switches and pedals to help do it’s task efficiently and achieve desired outcomes. Empowering the mind comes with responsibility of knowing what we want.

So instead of harbouring Envy, Anger, Hate, Sadness,
...choose Gratitude, Empathy, Love, Excitement, Joy, Peace.

Hard to practice, but practice makes perfect.

It's okay to be happy for others! and it's okay to be happy for yourself!

Vent: Growing up and now back in Asia, I can't help but notice it has become normal for small circles to discuss another's accomplisments, "How is he making so much money?", "How do they afford to travel so often", "What is she doing that she can afford pretty clothes?".... and I'm sure this happens everywhere.

Then there's the not-so-subtle, subtleties we all know and loathe.
The Ego is a very insecure character. - Notice how happy and successful people don't put people down? or resort to snarky commentary?

There is this belief of lack in today's world and it's very sad, and scary.
When humans deliberately hurt each other, animals and the Earth. - without Question.

So if we all consciously choose pleasantness, peace and joy,
would the world not be a lovelier place?
Would people not strive to be better persons?

I have this idea of a Utopia of sorts in my mind and I've met so many like minded people that I'm certain, it is possible.
Note: Ideally, the wicked are swallowed by a parallel realm exclusive to negative entities. All we're left with will be people who want a better world to live in. (...I haven't gotten far with what to do here.)

I leave you with this:

Be a peaceful, joyful, loving, and affectionate human being.

Follow me @BelleKaur.

🔹Upvote and Resteem🔹

Images: 1, 2, 3, [4,5,6 me], 7, 8.

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There is so much wisdom on this post. Seriously, controlling our thoughts is the most powerful endeavor of all. With mind control we can choose our behavior, our emotion and ultimately the reality we live in. We can even help other people, like Bella did with this post, to overcome their own mental challenges and create a better life for themselves and everyone else. =D Thank you @bellakaur! Excellent article!

absolutely! it is the most difficult but ultimately the most powerful thing anyone can teach themselves. Love that there are people on the same wavelength! Thank you!
Like minds @brunotreves!

Love this @bellekaur I completely agree with you!

upvoted, resteem and stalking you stilllove the article ... the challenge is to find that inner peace with all the commotion going around us every day. thanks for sharing @bellekaur

Very interesting article!!

thank you! ✨

These are wonderful tips, I need this :')
I know I need to be more mindful, but it is still hard at times.

💖 It's so hard but most rewarding.
And when you think of it as self improvement, to create better societies and futures for our kids, it only empowers you to want and strive toward constant self-improvement. It helps to take baby steps x

Thanks, I will <3