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RE: OPINION #1: Where Humanistic Theory Falls Short

in #psychology7 years ago

I agree the humanistic theory has either gaps of assumptions that are not of any good.Thank you for that @horzymandias. I haven't had chance to read it all... I will have to when I have a quite time.

What I mostly dislike of this is how Freud and his work is disrespected by some of their statements and followers/believers.

Freud is the godfather of psychology and most of his work is all his, with no extension of others thoughts or theory. If Freud continued in his other fields of work (he was well deserved in many fields, law, zoology etc, we would not have all the many theories we do today.

I also agree with you that it is arrogant to express that subconsciousness has no effect on us. Also the humanistic theory gives hope to all clients... This is unhealthy unfortunately life does not work how the theory proposes at times. External and internal stimuli can and does stunt your growth no matter how much you work for it.. Whereas humanistic approach states we are our own making, we can be as successful as we make ourselves.. This Simply is not the case.

I wanted to ask, have you studied this out of curiosity or as a degree.
I studied it as a degree that came from my curiosity.. It is all interesting.


This is all due to personal curiosity more than anything else. I'm still in High School, and as such, most of my knowledge is limited. I don't want to pretend I know exactly what I'm talking about, and I'm glad someone actually informed on the matter provided their input! Many thanks :)

Wow I wouldn't have picked you as still being in High School @horzymandias based on your articulation and humility. Hat off for showing interest in such deep topics! You've obviously put a lot of work into this post and importantly have proposed criticisms and counter arguments. Healthy to develop critical thinking. Well done!

Some great seldom mentioned points here. For a discipline inherently focused on human behaviour, it's interesting to see Freud suffer the indignity of the ignorant. In many ways the criticisms leveled against him (especially the over-reaction to his thoughts on sexualism) are founded on no more than a "my sporting team is better than yours" type of mentality. I don't see much dispassionate discussion from "Freud haters" and you're rightly frustrated by this @beulinator.

I don't recall if I clarified, but I am not even in entire support for Freud's psychodynamic theory, either! It just seems to me, and you two have it on the nail, Humanistic theory was born out of a resentment for Freud. Again, it sounds conspiracy nut-ish, but it feels as though Maslow and Rogers had something personal against the Freudian school. Or maybe its just me