Natural Law, Morality, How Abusers Corrupt (Love vs Fear)

in #psychology7 years ago

Abusers live outside of Natural Law and corrupt chaos to appear as truth; they justify their immoral acts and make them appear as moral, thus blurring the lines.

In today's episode of Green Healing, I explain:

  • What is Natural Law;
  • What encompasses Natural Law and how we normally live within in;
  • the Love vs Fear paradigm;
  • What Morality truly is;
  • How abusers corrupt all this in order to further their agendas.

If you like what I do on Green Healing and what I talk about, please subscribe to the YouTube channel: Alternately, you can subscribe and listen to the audio versions of the episodes:

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Thank you, and remember: Empower Yourself and Be Emotionally Free!


Tank you for sharing these. Anybody just has to ACT on the knowledge you have shared, taking responsibility for their your own life conditions in order to better their life.

Yes, exactly. It's so easy to fall prey to the thought pattern that keep us in a victim state and blame others for everything, when in fact we can learn from what has happened and learn to love ourselves better, learn to improve our lives in ways we would not be able to otherwise. It's a difficult outlook to digest, but once we get passed the resistance created by being a victim and we become our own savior, we can step into self-love and radical action to change our lives.

Beautiful message Binkyprod👊🏽

Thank you :)