As I started to read your post the first thing that popped to my mind is the fact that even if we could know ahead of time how things are going to turn out or we could understand why things happen the way they do, would you really do it differently?
Part of the ride is the journey. There have been countless songs that have covered this very fact. I think those songs can resonate really well with any of those circumstances. Just look up the lyrics for "The Dance" (unless you already know them) I think that touches on what I am trying to say more than my babbling could.
Another aspect is the fact that say you know what is going to happen or why something happened and you try do do something to fix it. Are you then being untrue to yourself or becoming a different person to fit some scenario that maybe wasn't supposed to survive in the first place?
Sacrificing who you are at the expense of following a path you think you are supposed to can be a very dangerous road.
I'm not trying to say anything about the situation one way or the other. I am just throwing out some stuff here :)
All well-said.
By the way... just noticed that seems your rep score has been boosted quite a bit since I first recall seeing you way back! Congrats! ⭐️
Yeah, I have been here plugging away. One day it will all be worth millions! :) and thank you!