This is a great topic, particularly for young leaders. Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradbury, is one of the best books on the subject. I have used his work in several developmental sessions in my corporate career.
I have suggested and given his book to many people over the years who wish to learn why they are not making the connections with people that they hoped for, or who continually find themselves in conflict with others.
The ability to understand your audience's reactions to what you are saying or doing is critical to being both understood and accepted. If people focused just a bit more on how what they are saying is being received, instead of what they are saying, many conflicts could be avoided altogether.
Thanks for a thoughtful post, @eco-alex. It's a wonderful introduction to an important skillset. Cheers!
thank you brave boat ! this is the beginning and the end of conflict resolution and prevention ! I think we are improving.. but there is a LONg way to go!!
happy to hear you are helping promote the cause!! SO important!