I'll find you in the middle!

in #psychology7 years ago


We are totaly different creatures.
We coexist for millions of years but something makes us so different.
We are captives of our hormones with different abilities and skills. Men do not understand women and women expect from men to behave as a women do.
What a mess!
Lets look globally the points of our differences.

Women use 20,000 words every day when men is satisfied at 7,000.
Women can do a lot of things at the same time,men only two.
Women make meaning in the details,men does not.
Men speaking inside there mind,women are thinking loud.
Men worship competition,women colaboration.
Women is sensitive to the touch,men because of the skin thickness isnt.
Men love the erotic pictures and making sex, women looking for the eternal love and making love.
Man talking with logic, women switchimg between logic and sentiment.
Anxious men want to think alone, while anxious women usually speak very much and want to be with company.

I will stop here because the list can continue with unbeatable comparison of our diversity.

When Rotzer Speri won the Nobel prize in 1962, proving that the two hemispheres of the cerebral cortex are responsible for separating the mental functions, he disappointed all those who until then, believed the theory of the Greek philosopher Aristotle that the center of thought is in the heart. This discovery revealed that the main cause of the cerebral differentiation of men and women is that the male functions with the left hemisphere of the cerebellum, while the female functions with the left and right at the same time.

Considering all of the above I find that although different, we complete each other and if we accept and love our diversity then perhaps the divorces are less.

We changing with the passing of time.
We can not stay the same. .
If we want a relationship to succeed we will have to work. A lot.
Some times relatioships need so much of work that makes you recall your past as a singel and wish you were there,at that point of your life.
But it is worth it to sacrificing our freedom for a companion who will keep our hand warm until the old age.
Everything is better when you share.
The happiness, the miss, the stress, the memories .....

An advice..
When you are getting mad with your partner ho you sacrificed your beautiful freedom for your reasons .... close your eyes...take a deep breath and think before you say anything....
i ll find you in the middle.

Image source:www.pinterest.com
Reading source from the book:
Why you don't understand me
from Allan & Barbara Pease

Hope you enjoy it
Thanks for passing by
Follow me @calmavida


γι'αυτό αγαπώ τα τραβέλια,τα βρίσκουμε καλύτερα,είναι κάτι ενδιάμεσο,χαχα

Χαχαχαχχαχαχα 😂

If we respect everybody's else model of the world things would be easier.
And this includes men, women and everything in between.

Totaly agree with you!!!