External Validation and Need For Approval are limited to some extent when it's come to life, but some people are addicted to these concepts and that is because they need Importance.@abigail-dantes,
And this aspect of Importance is really an illusionary state means, they fantasise it like, if today i will do this haircut and put this Gel then i will look more attractive and i can get more likes and comments.
So we are moving into the Scoring System where we are trying to fit ourselves in an world which is not our need but we are moving their because we are finding pleasure in Materialistic World.
And one common Phenomenon which stays in minds of many is, how i am appearing, means people need recognition and appreciations all the time from others and it became an motivating aspect for them, but the most negative point of this phase is, if people will not get any appreciation or feedback then they hold the tendency to depress themselves. So we have understand the concepts of Need For Approval and External Validation.
Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂