Thank you for reminding me that I cannot change the world, only my viewpoint of it. The cosmos contains both good and bad in equal amounts. Energy flows where the mind goes and if we only look for the bad that is what we'll find.
On the other hand, this involves judgement, which I actively try to avoid and yet it's hard to be neutral when confronted with the destruction of the natural world of which I am so enamored and the delusional nature of those who could easily alter that course were it not for all-consuming self-interest.
I was a chiropractor because I wanted to help people learn to deal with their pain, to teach them how to take care of themselves. I quit after 16 years of practice because people just wanted me to fix them the way they go to a mechanic to get their car fixed. I tried to inform them that the body doesn't work that way, that you have to eat right, keep fit and most importantly, stop abusing it. A few responded and their health improved. The vast majority wouldn't or couldn't or weren't interested in exchanging their bad habits for good ones. While my colleagues made lots of money over-treating patients instead of educating them, my entire motivation was to help my patients, not cater to their ills for profit. My general opinion of people suffered greatly from that experience.
Here I am on Steemit trying to do the same thing. I want people to think for themselves, to evolve, to develop critical thinking skills, to reject being enslaved, but people want to feel good about their delusions, not overcome them. They want to see pictures of beautiful sunsets, of kittens and cupcakes and learn better ways to clean their frying pans, trivial stuff that keeps their minds cluttered and closed and focused on inanity.
I certainly can write about that tripe, but I have little motivation to do so. It's very frustrating.
In the end, this desolate outward quest to inform has taught me that perhaps the monastic life of quiet self-contemplation in quietude is the only journey worth undertaking; that all I can do is to let it all go and feel compassion for the mentally blind and this beautiful planet as it quietly dies under their weight.
It makes me wonder, though, why I was given this gift of communication if it is to fall only on deaf ears. I suppose in the big picture none of this matters a whit. Thanks for this opportunity to vent.