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RE: The Magic of Pyramids

in #psychology7 years ago

For that I would have the question, what do you want to do with the knowledge about your investigation, after you are done with it? Or: do you ever get it done?

In this post I tell about how my parents lied to me about Santa Claus. It seems absurd, but ever since that time I haven't trusted authority. I always think I'm being lied to. In my 20s I became aware that something was wrong with the world, that it was dying and being buried under man-made junk for no apparent reason and so I began to investigate why this was so. I first realized that it wasn't just the times I was living in that were problematic, that my parents were also subject to propaganda and lived their lives like unknowing robots controlled by fashionable ideals.

Once the Internet went public and I had all this information at my fingertips I started tracing things backwards. The decimation of Turtle Island didn't get rolling until the railroads began criss-crossing the country. That started around the time of the American Civil War at the hands of industrial puppet, Abraham Lincoln. The late 1800 also saw the absurdity of corporations being granted the rights of flesh and blood citizens, another effect of the railroads and industrialization.

But I soon realized that mankind's descent began long before that. Western civilization's values descend from Semitic tribal culture via the Talmud and the Bible. This includes Islam and Christianity as cults of Semitism. The Vedic Scriptures of the East are Indoeuropean in origin, taken to India when the Aryans conquered that continent. China developed on it's own hierarchies but those who crossed over to turtle Island brought the shamanic beliefs of eastern Siberia with them, a belief in all-pervading spirit and personal inclusion in the mystery of life. Their "fall from grace" was imposed from without by the invaders. This is a vast generalization, but it served as a new platform from which to investigate.

What, I wondered, made man think that somehow he was special, exceptional and here to manipulate the environment to suit his desires at the expense of all other things including his fellow humans? False religion, to be sure, but religion grows out of self-image. What made man think he was apart from it all instead of part of it all? It was agriculture, the simple act of planting seeds.

This is the "fall from grace" talked about in the bible. Man became manipulator instead of beneficiary. I've already written about this in my Slacker's Guide, so I won't continue here.

I suppose I have answered this question to my own satisfaction but I feel that it is important that people understand the significance of this event and its ramifications, to look at the roots of their delusions, to gain insight into their motivations and therefore allow them to consciously alter them instead of reacting to them.

That is why I write, why I continue to find this thread and attempt to shed light on it. I realize that my endeavors are impotent, that even though we are racing towards the cliff that will end it all, nobody is much interested in taking their foot off of the gas pedal.