Hmm, I don't think it's as deep as all that. I think it's just the look of a man looking spiffy and polished. I'm not into men in uniform, so I can't speak to that, but I doubt for most women it's because they love conformity. People fetishized those posters of Che Guevara because he was handsome and wearing a beret, not because they had a clue about socialism or about him, his life or his beliefs. I'm pretty sure it's much shallower than you are thinking.
If a man loves a woman in a leather bikini it's not because animal hides have a deep meaning for him and the history of leather tanning is a noble profession. If a man loves a woman in a nurse uniform it's not because he admires the medical profession and the years of hard work and study that go into getting an R.N. degree. See what I mean?
If he doesn't, I do! :) I personaly don't care for uniforms except my plumber. I have a deep appreciation for him and his butt crack in that blue uniform. Tho for all I cared he could be wearing a nuns outfit as long he does his job.
If anyone knows anything about my work, it is that I take language very seriously. I know that many women say they love a man in uniform because they see it as dressing sharp, but you dont need to be in the military to dress sharp. It is truly helping the unconscious perpetuation of uniformed armed men when women choose to say they love a man in uniform rather than loving a sharp dresser. The military then uses the slogan themselves to sell their image. Im just trying to get people to see through the language.
Make people conscious of "uniform" and then its one less slogan the military can use.
I can't really say what they mean. Not sure if it's the sharp dressing or something about the actual uniform. I'm sure there are some women out there from pro-military families who include actually endorsing the message behind the uniform in their preferences. I'm just saying that I doubt that most women who like men in uniform have thought it out the way you have or have some deep philosophical reason for it. I think it's about aesthetics.
In the words of ZZ-Top: "Every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man."
The uniform itself signifies status and authority. There's a reason some BDSM Doms wear uniforms or clothing that looks like uniforms. :)
Good point
In addition theres nothing actually bad about joining a countries military, our world is cucked and patehtic in the male department as it is in the west.
The problem is in the states and Israel loving countries is that they invade all other countries that don't accept their currency (the $) and then ever still corruptly steal their resources (oil opium in syria etc).
How do you think syria got destabilized and the migrant crisishappened anyway?
the middle east and vietnam is an example of this, they didn't take the dollar, and the US plus allies bombed the shit out of them because of it.
I do however think that militaries are necessary to protect your country, just make sure you keep israel and war hungry communist necons out of politics and jail all the central bankers.
If only we could. I think "the people" lost control of this country ages ago.