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RE: ---- We cant fix the broken system by using "The broken system" ----

There’s a lot going on in this article, it’s like you wrote a big book, highlighted the important parts, made cliff notes from that and then squeezed it all into this tiny steemit post. I’d actually like to talk about the cartoon, the one with all the peeps sitting at diner tables.

It says a lot. What is it saying though. Let’s see what it supposes.

1That war is served by all the power and wealthy politicians and governments.

That all government or government programs for the populace suffer and collapse during and or supporting war.

I’m sure there are other conclusions but I feel those are the two prominent ones.

If you out this in the context of voting (democracy), that somehow voting doesn’t change things and that makes voting bad, it kinda misses the point. Let me explain, if you redrew that picture and used any other government from history, you basically get the same thing. Even if there wasn’t voting, just Kings and queens and tyrants and dictators etc, no voting on earth: and you have the same thing, wars wars wars, history proves this. So then doe voting matter? Does it change things? Yes and no.
Ok what’s the damn point then arrghhh, lol
Voting or ( democracy) or whatever little branch of government system you can conceive, is a marginal Victory. Either you have some form of voting or you don’t. Two options for humans. Any form of voting for governments is only intended to slow down the eventual collapse and corruption of societies. It’s not about fixing the hooman condition, democracy is about recognizing it. Everyone knows Hoomans are ultimately flawed. So to try to limit the tyranny and chaos that happens when dictators take over. Democracy let’s the people vote, so even if it gets terrible, you can start over. The problem with voting is that people vote fore themselves. It’s always my jobs, my taxes, my roads, my schools, mine mine mine mine. Voting is great at reducing tyranny except the tyranny of greed. Do I vote? Actually no because I don’t care and the world is already over.

I just feel like democracy gets an unfair wrap. Don’t blame it, blame the people.


The revolution will not be centralized.

To think that power and wealth will not end in the hands of a few because some technology would be contrary to the whole of human history.

Well they certainly ain't doing it voluntarily... so maybe we don't get it right initially, but I think starting down this path is eventually leading to where we have to be.

I would challenge you to go anywhere and find a “they” that is not in opposition to an “us”. The path of conflict is a in infinite loop. The Victory is fools gold to a war lost by fighting it.

I have no intentions of fighting the system, I simply refuse to give consent to it. The problem is they see removal of consent as a violent act when there is nothing violent about it. I guess slaves don't get to give and take away consent though eh? Creating a decentralized voluntary economy removes the mandatory and implied consent.

Schrodinger's revolution it is both centralized and decentralized until we make it happen ;)

Everything has already become as it will be. The very nature of the path existing implies that there are infinite outcomes in relation to it and just because we can't see the conclusion from this perspective doesn't mean it isn't there.

only when it is has become.... until then it is neither , either, both or something else, lolz

thanks for the comment mate :)

The point im making is that we fool ourselves into thinking that everything is fine.... when clearly its not,

The beginning of fixing any problem is recognizing there is a problem in the first place. The psychological constructs are evidence and examples which indicate that we do indeed fool ourselves. the image is a representation of nothing changing.... but we still believe the rubbish we are fed.

I dont blame democracy, even though it is the best crap idea we have had so far ;) As i said in the article it is OUR flaws in methods of thinking and lying to ourselves which perpetuates the situation. it IS up to us... but we are far too complacent at this stage in time to even evaluate the situation adequately, we live in the delusion that "This is fine".

As i said things stay the same till they change ;)