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RE: Psychology Chronicles Series #8 : On Social Media & Suicide | The Deadly Alliance of Society's Newest Enemy

in #psychology7 years ago

Hi @sakura1012 great post.I totally agree that social media is affecting peoples self esteem - others are very careful how they portray themselves online. I barely look at social media now but when I do it is full of selfies around the world and perfect families. Some people who are vulnerable to mental health problems could start to wonder - why is my life not perfect like everyone else?

I am from New Zealand where we have a problem with suicide - I think that social media is changing the way people get bullied. When I was a child (in the 90s!) alot of bullying was just name calling, now it is alot of online bullying where they can reach alot more people and do alot more damage.

Last year I watched the Netflix show '13 reasons why' Which was about a girl being bullied. It was well done and highlighted to me how your actions can affect others.



@conradt glad you read my blog about social media and suicide. It is indeed slowly changing society by establishing unrealistic standards. And the ones who are suffering would be the next generation to come..It is really heartbreaking that eliminating this menace is very difficult to do since it already has rooted to the minds of people.

Glas I found it. It is something that we often choose not to talk about but I think by sharing and talking about different strategies for coping with depression and mental health we are helping people. Keep up the good work :)

Yes indeed it is so sad to know that suicide on social media or social media and suicide is becoming a trend nowadays especially to the youth and I totally hate it! That's why I opted to post an article about it. Thanks for your heartwarming words @conradt. 😉