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RE: In Defense of "Permissive" Parenting; Children are Human Too

in #psychology8 years ago

I completely agree that we should treat children as people. Although I am not sure where I fit into this diagram after raising four children. When they were very young and they would do something harmful to a sibling like throw a sippy cup at their face, blood running down from their forehead, I would spank them. This was rare, I doubt any of them had more than three. Once they were old enough to reason with, we would talk things out. I taught them about consequences in life and how to look at how their decisions would effect themselves and others. I would then let them decide how they wanted to live their life. I always told them, "you are responsible for you and your future is in your hands."

We are a very loving and affectionate family and my children are all confident, talented and caring. I'm sure I could have handled things differently when they were young but I wouldn't have known how then.

I wrote a post on my oldest son and will have follow ups for the other three. Here is the first if anyone is interested. Seeing the fruit can be encouraging.