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RE: There Is No Such Thing As Chemical Imbalance In the Brain

in #psychology7 years ago

Interesting topic, @kyriacos. What of schizophrenia and mania? We know that these mental disorders a treated chemically, to change the chemistry of the brain, and in may cases the treatments bring a great deal of relief and stabilization to patients. Would this not be a stabilization of chemical balances in the brain?


@crystalize The reasons that leading to schizophrenia are genetics, neurobiologicals and environmental factors also affect the chemistry of the brain. The symptoms of schizophrenia are due to the hyperactivity of dopamine.Neurological drugs compete dopamine to bind to the postsynaptic...

Yes, but dopamine and "neurobiologicals" are chemicals, which are not stabilized in a manner that allows a patient to function properly, and when treated with other chemicals, balance out the workings of the brain to allow functionality. Technically speaking, is indeed an imbalance.