My bepuzzlement with the males of this age continues to prove limitless...

Today I read a post from a liberal dude having a total meltdown because a politico said "The lightweight, mannequin, pretty-boy from California? I think he’s a yellow-bellied coward. And I don’t think he will show. But if he does show, he will regret it for the rest of his life". Note that statement doesn't inherently mean there was going to be a beat down. My impression is the prettyboy by nature is a coward and since he would be made to look bad if he showed, would regret it, therefore he would not show up.

It really is impressive how far gone the social engineers managed to turn the vast bulk of a generation into capri pant wearin' scented beard oil sportin' beta male sissyboys whom cant even endure a round of smack talk without screaming bloody murder 'racist sexist etcist etcist etcist he's a bully tyrant fascist dictator that's so mean I want my mommy'!

We whom entered adulthood in the 90's, I dont recall hardly any of us being like this where I grew up. Yeah there were 'nerds', there were kids whom weren't aggressive loudmouthed bastards, didn't run with us wild ones. But even they the whole lot of them weren't inherently crybaby sissies like these nu kids strive to be as an entire generation. Neither were the jocks, the preppy kids, and so on. Where and when I came from the lot of us were hard knocks hard cases. Head bangers, ravers, gangsta rap sorts, we all partied together and smack talk was our bonding ritual.

Smack talk was our memes. The width and breadth of permutations of smack talk evolution that would occur in one single party night was breathtaking by comparison of what goes on today. One dude would call the other "gutter slut". The other would respond with "dumpster butt". And on and on it went. And hilarity it was for everyone involved.

We were all scrappers, yet we didn't all end up scrapping over it. We weren't all fight addicts, even though many of us were rage addicts in those teen years. Our smack talk and wily behaviors in hindsight I see it as exorcising all that negative energy that inherently dwells in us, the human species, like blue balls for the brain if you dont get that poison out.

We didn't have our feelings hurt over smack talk insults. Instead we countered with oneupsmanship and laughed together. We didn't cry about "microaggressions". We lampooned them for ever more fodder.

Today they warped the kids into a sissy boy lifestyle obsession. Trained them to fret and shiver at the thought of offending people. Jokes, real jokes anyway, banned as hate speech. And it sure did seem like all was well for a moment. The ultimate feat in human social engineering had been achieved. But then in 2011 the blue balled brains started to burst with seething violent political rage. And then came the goosestepping violent sissy boy gang stalker brigades roaming the streets like nu gangbangers; out looking for people to jump whom dont think like them. Blood's & Crip's all over again. Folks down yo! No folks up slobs! Get a grip, folks!!!


The fact is, given human nature, such a turn around was only natural. But this is all backwardsness in reality per scientific wisdom. You see this whole scenario is something on par with the most unfunny AND anti-funny generation ever walked, when compared to us from 20 years ago. And there be the disaster. You see it is well understood that humor is a key metric in intelligence. Therefore intolerance to humor, inability to comprehend and appreciate comedy, loss of the ability to create jokes, whether the such results came by social engineering or not, it is not a fallacy for me to say that such a trend is a de-evolution in human intelligence.

It's not even as if pure logic is replacing emotion, given that smiles and laughs are the product of emotion, because OUTRAGE is the new conditioned response to what we would otherwise as humans naturally laugh about.

Let us compare the situation in Star Trek terms. I picture them as picturing my kind as a bunch of troglodytish Klingon's, while picturing themselves as having evolved beyond human in logical terms; they've become Vulcan in their minds. In reality it's turned out to be a lot closer to them being a bizarre cross breed of Klingon & Romulan (that was raised amongst Romulan's). Power tripping, prone to hair trigger lashing out in thrashing fits of outrage, short fused, deceptive, and lacking in honor (and lets not forget the Romulan's fabulous fashion). Say what you will about Klingon's, they innately have the most honor, they even have humor, and despite their tough talk and brutish customs they enter peace alliances and even treat outsiders with respect that may not be apparent at first but can be achieved once they get to know you. Romulan's are without honor, a power mongerful people, intolerant to outsiders, incapable of respecting others, which when combined with the lack of humor shared with their Vulcan kin, a total disaster in terms of admirable character traits. The Borg should have attacked the Romulan's first as the Romulan's might have just come to appreciate what the Borg were offering and spin joining the hive mind as the trendy thing to to. Given the actions of these SJW types, despite all of their words their appeals to diversity, collectivism which is their true obsession is a stark contrast to such and therefore I could see them being all about becoming Borg.......

The items of off the charts dripping irony, across their scene, in this short piece alone are already reaching towards the stuff of "I lost count". So perhaps this piece has already hits its mark.

Grow a pair people. Let your balls drop. And may your skin thicken, and you get a sense of humor in the process, because dig this:

If this "High Information" you all talk about is turning your party and an entire generation into a bunch of humorless spineless crybaby punk twerps, well that is what I would call social engineering of the de-evolutionary variety (as would any unbiased outsider social scientist).

Or keep it up. Your women will grow tired of these pathetic anti-masculine ways, and will eventually all come running to the real men in our culture.


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