Another One Bites the Dust, Vacation Brain and Other Late Night Musings

in #psychology7 years ago

Once again, it seems that the (my?) road to hell is paved with good intentions.

I was going to write a "real" post this afternoon, but it seems that "life" got in the way, so now it is 12:15 past midnight as I sit down and try to empty my head of a few final thoughts.

It's SUMMER! It's berry season!

I have determined that when people go on holiday, their brain also goes on holiday. 

What I mean by that is that they pretty much stop thinking for themselves. We live in a tourist town, and Mrs. Denmarkguy used to work front desk at a prominent local hotel... and she used to make the same observation about guests coming into the hotel, and these seemingly intelligent people coming across as incapable of keeping up with even the simplest tasks. 

Our very exotic hydrangea

I see it now, working in our art gallery during tourist season... people are just not "entirely there," between the ears.

Which made me sit and think about the deeper psychology of "personal accountability" and mindfulness.

We give a lot of lip service — as a people; as a culture — to this idea of being mindful and considerate of our surroundings, and there's even a billion dollar industry dedicated to teaching mindfulness.

But mindfulness is actually hard work, and it's an ongoing practice. You don't just read a book, get a few tips, and suddenly BOOM, you're a mindful person. Nope, it's something you pretty much have to grind out on a daily basis.

An online friend of mine, Vito Mucci, wrote pretty much the definitive "Bible" on consciousness in living and he has even pointed out — during various conversations we've had — that if you manage to stay "Present and Mindful" just 50% of the time, you are way ahead of 90% of the population.

So maybe it's no big surprise at all that people on vacation aren't particularly mindful. As a general rule. There are exceptions, of course...

So, those are my final thoughts of the day... now I am mindfully going to head off and get some sleep.

How about YOU? When you go on holiday, does your brain also check out? Have you ever noticed whether the rate at which things like locking your keys in your car, losing your wallet and so on increases when you're on vacation? Not saying this is a BAD thing, it's just "a thing." Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

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(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 180806 00:35 PDT


Haha, I thought the point of a vacation was to turn the old brain off for awhile and just zone out for a bit. Although I suppose practically speaking that might look a lot like mindfulness and living in the moment. So yeah, I’m stumped.

Personally I find that vacations that have me in the “drivers seat” (whether literally as in a road trip or figuratively as in camping) can be quite stressful, as my brain tends to spin faster as I try and react to everything going on. Vacations where I’m a “passenger” (cruise, resort) generally allow me to relax and enjoy the moment. I suppose if/when I really mess up it is during a “passenger” vacation.

To be honest, the only vacations I actually enjoy are when we go back to Denmark every 2-3 years I get to just hang out at one of the summerhouses where I spent a lot of time as a kid... and we basically just sit around, eat, read books, play scrabble and cards... and truly do nothing. That works for me.

Vacations with a "schedule" really aren't all that relaxing for me... usually because it seems like I end up being the one in charge of making sure that people get where they need to go, and on time, and all that good stuff.

Oh yes, I can relate to the stresses of the "leader" role very well. I almost lost my mind trying to make sure my pregnant wife and toddler made it from point A to B to C safe and sound... and on time!

Maybe that's why we all tend to have very fond memories of our childhood trips... not only was someone else paying for it, they were handling all the logistics and the itinerary as well!

Oh, yeah... I think we most definitely wear glasses with pink lenses, when we look backwards. We selectively remember good things... because we didn't have to deal with any of the bad things.

I've never been on vacation. "Present and Mindful" just 50% of the time, you are way ahead of 90% of the population." that's a scary thought. No wonder people seem so stupid, they just aren't thinking. And most are so unaware of what's going on around them that it's shocking. I figured they acted like that in your gallery because they were mesmerized by the beautiful artwork!? Steemit stimulates your brain, we must be the elite of focused, sharp, alert thinkers!

I very rarely have the luxury of going on vacation... last time we took a break was the summer of 2015, as I recall. Aside from maybe a weekend trip.

I would have to agree that Steemit is a much above average group of people!

yes sir and you're one of the most above averagers! Well when you own a small business you can't take off normally. In our real estate business we worked 7 days a week for ten years before we took a full day off.

I have no idea how you do all that you do with so much going on, reminds me of lynncoyle1 ya'll must be the world's best multi-taskers and efficiency experts!

I hope your gallery business picks back up. thank you sir!

My former mother-in-law was a Realtor, and it was pretty true of her that there was no such thing as a "day off." She was pretty much "on" 24/7/365 and that was all there was to it, whether it was open houses, showings or something else. At least it's what's required if you want to build any measure of success.

Of course, a lot of people seem satisfied with some variation of mediocrity. Which sort of brings the circle full around to the idea behind this post...

Thanks for the good wishes!

You’ve never gone on vacation?!

no have you? of course you have! dang kids these days, that's all they DO! lol. No the closest we came to it in my adult life was flying out to Kansas to see my sister but that was a 2 day, hectic visit that was exhausting.

But where we are now is enough of a vacation to me at this time. It would be nice to be able to travel and there are so many wonderful places to visit and experience but you know..someday.

But I'm the only person I know who has never had a single paid day off in my life. because I've almost exclusively owned my own businesses or worked on the farm.

Haha, I try to take a vacation every year. I just find that it is so much fun to have something to plan and then look forward to. I gotta salute your work ethic, though. I don't think I could ever work that hard!

ha! I haven't even begun to tell you my work life, you probably wouldn't believe it, but I don't recommend it to anyone. I say do like you guys do, get out and see the country and enjoy yourselves!

Well if it’s anything like your level of activity on steemit I might not find it too hard to believe 😄

haha! yes well this is just playtime here on steemit, I don't really want to push it that hard like I could. well maybe sometime I'll take one week and push it hard to break some records or something.

I've been more less self-employed since 1985, which means vacations have been a rarity. And usually a logistical nightmare to organize!

Few people realize that vacations COST more when you're self-employed. In my case, they have, at least... there's the cost of actually GOING, but there's also the "cost" of having to start ramping down a couple of weeks before you leave, and the "cost" it takes for the week or so it takes to get back up to speed after you've returned... AND the couple of weeks you're gone, your expenses continue, but you most likely have zero income to meet those expenses.

Anyway, I have never had a paid day off, either. Even when I worked for "companies" I was never there for long enough to get paid vacation days.

Blimey. I'm impressed that you can write this at gone midnight @denmarkguy. I can barely string two sentences together. 😂

they pretty much stop thinking for themselves

I think this is a good thing. Any time people get a rest from their constantly busy minds is a plus in my opinion.

And mindfulness can be just another "spiritual" trap. Another thing to think about but it sounds worthy. 😂

My experience is when I just leave everything alone and stop tinkering with it, the system seems to take care of itself. Incessant thinking drops away naturally or, at least, I get less caught up in it. 😊

I tend to be all over the map these days, when it comes to writing; grabbing 5-minute breaks here; a lunchtime there and making the most of it.

Mindfulness can definitely become a "spiritual trap;" I like that term! On the other hand, staying aware enough to where your temporary mind fog ("vacation brain") isn't actually the cause of you needing to mop up after your own sloppiness (instead of enjoying yourself) strikes me as more of a matter of common sense and self-preservation.

Which is why "nature breaks" matter a lot to me... when I get out there doing nature photography, my brain does tend to go a little slack.

I got my little slack time on the beach today @denmarkguy.

The weather was perfect and the sea temperature warm enough for me to swim in.

And not too many people to to talk too loudly, or smoke or otherwise disturb my sense of equilibrium. Wonderful! 😁

That's good to hear!

That's one thing I do miss a little bit about Denmark and Europe; the coastal waters do get a little warmer than the perpetual 55 degrees here in the Northwest. And with the hot summer Europe is having, I bet there are some relatively pleasant swimming spots!

I bet there are some relatively pleasant swimming spots!

The beach at the end of my road is one of them so I'll be there for a couple of hours again today @denmarkguy. 😊

Relaxing is as necessary as work. Actually, in my case, I go on holidays but those are my best days because on holidays I capture the nature in my phone's camera. I don't have a professional camera and I am saving money for it.

By the way, your Photographs are lovely.

I am a photographer also, And capture random pictures of nature and streets. I hope you will like it.

Your writing skill is very good. you connect your blogs to real life.

I like it.

Thanks for the kind words!

I love holidays, too, on the rare occasions I get to take one... and it usually involves photography, because I find it quite relaxing. Hope you manage to get that pro camera soon!

I also noticed the same: sometimes, when people go on holiday, their brain also goes on holiday. Sure, not every people, fortunately. I notice this thing not just when people go n holiday, but also when people go out for a working trip. Some years ago (when I worked in a office) I went to Corleon (Spain) for a working trip with other collegues . Those collegue were present and mindful people all the year, but during that trip some of them looked like little ones! About me, when I go on holiday, I'm the same of when I'm not in holiday, maybe it's because I spend my first holidays with my daughter and so I had to be really present and mindful ;)

Yes, exactly!

When they are at home they are very capable people; they go somewhere else, they suddenly leave their papers or their wallet or something else behind. And yes, I understand there is more to think about when you are in a new place... but still, you can stay awake, a little bit!

I'm pretty much the same when I am on holiday (I think!), just a little more relaxed!

I want to be like Lao Tzu, like an idiot, empty, void of all thought. Live Tao

That is, indeed, a very fine ambition! But Lao Tzu suggested this from a place of high awareness, I believe.

You're right. In another country one must be very careful and cautious. But people need to somehow relax.

Indeed, it's important to be able to relax! But you need to also not "go stupid" in the head, as part of relaxing...

vacation play vital role in our need to spend sometime with family friends inorder to b stress free and their is no fun of doing work if you're mind is distrubed

For sure, it's a good thing to get away and relax now and then. But I'm not sure that gives you the right to become completely unaware of your surroundings.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Cute! My cat is sleeping next to me on the desk and pretty much doing that!