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RE: The High Suicide Rate of Farmers in the US

in #psychology8 years ago

You are right, the farmers should be more supported. It is the same here in Belgium, days after days, the farmers have less and less respect and recongnition. It's a shame. Big companies put the knife under their throat and the common people don't realize that. They only think about the power the farmers have, not the suffering and hard work. That perception need to change.


With most people thinking of the bottom line -- i.e. money -- they also make their concerns based on that and forget how civilization started: farming crops. Everything else in our "advancement" gets more weight of importance applied it seems, while the oldest and most basic in importance gets treated like it doesn't matter with hardly any notice in modern life.

Absolutely. That imaginary God (money) is awful and destroys lot of things. A wake-up is inevitable. I like to think that more and more people are waking up. Let's keep hope for a better future - despite some mindsets and difficulties.