Psychologists and Medical Doctors like to pretend that what they are trained in is the only way to treat a disease or disorder. There is a plethora of methods of treating a patient with just about everything (except surgery), but only a few are viewed socially acceptable. Unfortunately mental health, like Cancer is just another industry for big pharma to make a buck (At least in the US).
My understanding of this stigma you are talking about stems mostly from peoples ignorance and fear of the unknown. People wouldn't make comments like you mentioned if they understood what mental illness is and what it is like so they have. So their own ideas fuel what it means to be bi-polar or Disassociative personality or have bouts of depression. The best way to combat this is to get the word out and educate people. You are doing a fine job of that 👏. A simple hello, hug or smile can make all the difference. We are all human after all 😁.
Are you serious? Seven pills a day? That is ridiculous. That reminds me of my dad. He used to have to take a lot of medication for Lupus :( I can't image the fog you must have been under. I hope you are past a lot of this by now in your life and have good people in your life and that your Steemit family is here for you too if you ever need them. :)
Thanks for the great post!
Hey there!🤩😘
Thank you so much for your amazing input as always!
I totally agree with you!
Lack of education is such a big problem and it goes for just about anything.
While it’s impossible to eliminate all stigma, spreading awareness as much as possible can make a big difference.
Thanks so much again for reading me☺️😘