very interesting proposal with fantastic support. I am aware of much government manipulation, but I have not ever considered this direction of attack. The only thing I am not clear on, is your assertion that they seek to mold us into a predator/dominator model. I have always imagined their efforts through the dumbing down of students in the school an university systems and the support of vapid, empty, biased communication through media and television that they were pushing the average individual toward a compliant, dependent system. They seem to be afraid of those who can care for themselves or think for themselves.
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Thanks for reading @drwillwho. And for your thoughtful comments.
I think you're right, there is definitely a dumbing-down process, and an orchestrated conditioning of people into a submissive position; and not necessarily a predator/dominator position. However, I feel that often those who might appear submissive on one level of the constructed hierarchy are acting out their anger at being submissive by dominating others at another level.
One example might be the office worker who is submissive and conforming when confronted by his boss or the painfulness of meaningless work, but then returns home to beat his children.
In other words, the passive, vapid position sometimes means anger is just directed elsewhere, in a dominating, predatory way.
I agree though, there is a nuance here: Those at the top of this pyramid of abuse do not want to instill dominator-predator characteristics in the lower 'castes' against a 'higher' caste. For example: The government does not want us attacking the banking industry.
But they are keen to turn percieved 'lower castes' against each other, to create distraction. Which is, in my view, the central purpose of the Red Team vs Blue Team pantomime of modern politics.
The song below encapsulates my basic feelings on the topic. Thank you so much for provoking some interesting thoughts in me, @drwillwho :)
You are so right to point out the idea that the dumbing down and passifying individuals can absolutely lead to creating a dominance response in other situations as compensation for personal dissatisfaction. I talk often about "Small kings in small kingdoms" to point out that many people are so fractured, that they find their little piece of the world where they have some power, and rather than using it for good and to help others, how often do we find professors, middle managers, security personnel, parents, spouses, etc... using their power to exact vengeance from their subjects in the name of the hurt and impotence they feel against the system that is denigrating them. You make great points!