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RE: Is Modern Society Obsessed With Short Term Pleasure?

in #psychology8 years ago

We did not get here over night. Think back to the 1950's when we first got McDonalds and fist food. Think about when mom got the first modern kitchen also in the 1950's to get her in the workforce and make more money to have a faster life. Think fifty years earlier to the automobile. The radio and TV made communication faster. We are in a world of instant gratification. Think even the internet. We no longer have to go to the library to research our info. Fast cars, fast sex and fast money. Instant gratification and we loose virtue of patience and have become a selfish me people. This is against how God wants us to be. It will be the destruction of America.


Yes it is true that it has been a gradual process but it seems to be accelerating due to technology.

It has accelerated with technology. However folks probably said the same thing about the acceleration when they mass produced the graham bell phone, automobile, radio etc. It has been like a gradual snowball getting bigger and gaining speed as it rolls down the hill. Just wait until they have all the technology you need in a chip in your hand. no more need of cell phones or laptops. There is usually a trade off when you get something- you have to sacrifice something else for it. An example would be if you want to be protected from terrorists you give up your privacy for security or a false security depending how you look at it.