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RE: Psychology Addict # 56 | Reflections on Anger.

in #psychology5 years ago

I actually did read some of your exchanges over time. Maybe that is why I got interested in talking to you.

I don't care about the exaggerations that come from a form of therapy approach or lifestyle that is basically coherent for me. I only make something out of the things that have helped me personally to discover a new perspective. Many things are misunderstood, that's how it is with people. In this dialogue between the two of us, that doesn't have to play a role. I gave you sources that work with examples. If the word "positive" triggers an aversion in you, because elsewhere people misinterpret the approach or rise on a train that treats the depths of human feelings too superficially, I cannot change that. Many very good approaches and research by compassionate and intelligent people have been denigrated in this way. This does not mean, however, that the approach and view as originally intended is not helpful. The cults, which form around an originally good work and do their mischief, will probably always be there. They don't matter to me personally.

Stupidity is as part of human kind as intelligence is. I prefer to take the most out of what those intelligence has to offer me :)