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RE: Psychology Addict # 43 | The Corrosive Effect of Time on Love

in #psychology7 years ago

Yes, a dialogue about love in another sense can be quite interesting:)

But I would also say that we are a closed system. And since we are a closed system, one follows from the other or there is a causal relationship between the objects of the system. And deleting one can create a violation and change the direction of the links.

Agreed. I guess you might know then about Autopoeisis?

In my former comment I was more referring to the use of language of yours

If you look at a person from a biological point of view, then this is a machine that performs a certain set of commands.

It shows an influence of the mechanistic view on a system, a mechanical one whereas when you talk about biology an organism is not a mechanical entity but an organic one. What differentiates an organism form a mechanism is that the organism grows and the mechanism is built. As well as I see also the computational influence as you talk about "commands" which is used in computer language. In an organic body, I would say it's not so much commands which are given but more a form of communication, a back and forth feeding of chemicals. In the end, of course, you can translate that into a code using language.

You are not "building" stem cells, for example, you are "growing" them in a petri dish. Nobody can build a tree but take a seedling and let it grow. An organism is not just the sum of its parts whereas a mechanism certainly is exactly that. It is therefore unable to repair itself but must be repaired from an entity which has formerly built it.

Don't know if I understood the last part of your comment. Do you mean what I decided to love can be changed by my will? I'd agree on that.


Let me disagree with you. The organism is the most usual mechanism. Which consists of parts, and parts are formed by cells. In fact, this mechanism is a colony of cells. The organism as such is a formation from a multitude of cells. You can compare with the city, where people act as the cells inhabiting this city.
Everything that happens in the body is based on commands and is performed by the mechanisms that are created in the cells. The basic set of commands is recorded in each DNA, the DNA itself is placed in each cell. I can not understand how the consistency of the actions of the cells of the whole organism is realized. It takes time to sort it out.
Everything that happens in cells is coordinated and implemented on the basis of commands and mechanisms that perform them.
I do not know what you mean by the word biological object. But all living things are mechanics. And man, as people define it, only in our unreal and fictitious world is human. There is nothing in a person different from the same car, except that the device is more complicated and in many ways we do not understand until now. We are so arranged that we talk about what we do not understand.
I do not know if you saw the movie, look, I advise. How amazing is the life of the cell. The cell is a very complex mechanism. About 2,000 processes occur in the cell at the same time. In large cells, the number of processes can reach up to 10,000. You just imagine in such a small cell 10,000 processes at a time. Something is synthesized, something is disintegrating, something is being built, something is breaking down, something is accumulating, something is being removed, something is being programmed, something is being erased.
And how many things can you do at the same time? Human?

I respect your approach.

However, we argue from our different worldviews. Mine is of a different identity than yours. Here is a translation of the German wiki article on the mechanistic worldview (in the English version it is unfortunately not so well worked out):

A mechanistic worldview (also: mechanicism, mechanistic worldview, mechanical philosophy) is a philosophical position which, in the sense of a metaphysical materialism, starts from the thesis that only matter exists and that, for example, the human mind or will cannot be explained by reference to the immaterial.
A sub-form of this thesis is atomism, according to which the entire reality consists of the smallest material objects. In addition, there is usually the assumption that matter only has an extremely narrow repertoire of actions: it can only react to external influences and always does this in the same way with the same impulses.
This results in a determinism, i.e. the thesis that the entire reality is governed by strict laws of nature, so that in principle, with their exact knowledge and an exact knowledge of the state of the world at one point in time, the conditions at all other points in time can be calculated. This also includes states of the human mind and will by means of the materialistic thesis. This assumption has led to the thought experiment of Laplace's demon.

Both metaphysical theses, materialism and determinism, correspond to a scientific theoretical methodology according to which nature is to be and can be explained quantitatively and causally by reference to strict laws, as succeeded for the first time in the field of application of classical Newtonian mechanics. In the field of biological processes, this position contrasts with vitalism (see for example Doctrine médicale de l'École de Montpellier), which adopts its own life principle.


The term vitalism is a fighting term from the 19th century. A counter-project is the mechanism. Vitalism and mechanicism are called outdated theories; instead, science in the 20th and 21st centuries prefers to combine both concepts in systemism.

I am someone who considers both views of life relevant and would say that I am therefore more of a follower of systemism. You are "right" from your point of view, I am "right" from mine:) Depending which school of knowledge we prefer to follow that makes the most sense to each, no?

Thank you, and I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I just share my thoughts and the information that is already known and proven.
I am very far from theories and their creators. To be honest, I'm not interested in theory. I am a realist and I say what I see. If the kinesin, which carries the membrane vesicles inside the cell in a literal sense, by charging and carrying, then this is the mechanism, if you like the robot. And he works according to the rules of physics. And for example, another mechanism is a motor. There is no mysticism or something not explainable.
If you like, we will combine the two theories. But theories are just talking. And the laws of physics - this means to implement.
In occasion of your idea that the matter is strongly limited in the possibilities of interaction I want to tell the opinion.
I think that there is no impact whatsoever, everything is based on copying. You will not argue that when we touch something, we do it in reality. As is known between the atoms of which matter consists there must be a distance and it is. Otherwise, everything would be lost in a solid and inconspicuous mess. We do not touch and we have an impact and we always have a reaction. Then it happens. I think that interaction is based on copying - repetition, which is possible at a distance and without interaction.

We have such an expression in everyday life: A woman is always right, now we are right, so we are three, and we are power!)))))
Have a good day.

LOL! Sure about not trying to convince me? :)

Oh, I know motors, grew up with four brothers: they were always hidden under their cars or hoods. ;-)

Have you ever seen a Kinesin or is it something others made visible for you through abstraction resp. visual models? So that already is not the visible reality you just referred to but a cognized construction in order to describe and take influence on what is perceived as a mechanism.

The space between certainty and uncertainty is nevertheless there. And of course, this is a theory as you may very well know that science is operating with probabilities, averages and all kinds of quantities but never claims for itself that there is a certain hundred percent water proved evidence of "reality". Otherwise, you couldn't attribute the explanation of "Kinesin" to Biology resp. the specification of Genetics (based on theories). As Biology is accepted widely as science.

There is no mysticism or something not explainable.

Of course not, why should it? A mechanism is just a mechanism.

No, I am not arguing that touching matter is not real, because it is. And I do agree with you that the space in between us is what holds us together and makes connection possible in the first place. What I touch is in full processing as I myself am in full processing through what I call my life. As nobody really can explain what life actually is, I would say, that is the part which remains mysterious and unexplainable. I like explanations a lot and I am always in search for them. But I also like to accept the uncertainty which makes life really fruitful and lively because I cannot explain it.

You, too have a good day. Was a pleasure and gave me some inspiration!