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RE: Changing Minds is Hard, Especially When Identity is Attached to a Belief

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)

Thanks for another great post! So much quality again.

I actually heard the results of either this research or a similar one you refer to, on CBC "Quirks & Quarks", a few weeks ago, where Bob McDonald was interviewing the researchers. It was brilliant, just like your article, and they had linked the results of it to the historical development of our brain, most specifically to the speed at which our ancestors had developed and the way of life they lived in.

Way back, our ancestors belief development was based on experiences on which their survival depended and the speed at which such values could change was very very slow as the pace of life was a tad different then.
Especially back then, if a change was to happen that would challenge the belief, it had occurred slowly, compared to what we experience nowadays. The brain would consider it, almost as a matter of life and death and would follow a natural movement of change itself. It allowed for a certain level of preservation of potential for survival within a certain group of a specific geographical location.

Now, the interesting part of it came when they mentioned two polarized modes of thinking: The conservative and the liberal. Historical arguments regarding the return to past values were the only path by which to change both polar modes of thinking by the people's opinion and, therefore, beliefs were transformable if one were to use historical view of the past...

From here, the question remains solid, what is your history, especially knowing that the #1 history lesson is that people don't remember their history and we need to repeat it over and over and over again? When the perception of a certain idea of "what was the past" has came to become the new norm, a whole set of new beliefs can be used by the people wanting to control the masses. Between you and I, if this isn't in itself an emergency call for us to learn our history, what will ever do?!?

All for one and one for all! Namaste :)


Thanks for the great feedback. Sounds like it was a good episode on CBC. Yup, I use the Orwell 1984 quote often, who controls the past control the future, and who controls the present controls the past (history books, narrative). If we don't learn from the past mistakes others have made we are more likely to repeat them. The whole point of history is not simply to record data, that in itself is rather mundane. But a real purpose is to learn of mistakes, solution, and improve upon the overall direction of we are going.