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RE: Psychology Addict # 43 | The Corrosive Effect of Time on Love

in #psychology6 years ago

Hello @abigai-dantes

Despite the load of information revealed by this piece of research findings as to how love is affected by time and how much love different genders feel towards each other, I think, judged logically, the opinion of evolutionary theorist are more acceptable to me than Hatfield's redult.

...this notion does not match that of evolutionary theorists, who argue that in evolutionary terms sexuality arises from youth + beauty, for men; and from power + position, for women.

I totally agree with this than Hatfield argument.

All the same, I think the findings of Hatfield will provide insight to couples as to how they feel towards one another.




I agree @eurogee, I would go a little further and say that not only how they feel towards each other; but also, what to expect :)

Thank you for taking the time to stop by my dear!