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RE: Psychology Addict # 37 | What Do you Do When Things go Wrong?

in #psychology6 years ago

Another fascinating post!! i had no idea about the ''time-travel''experiment that really states how easy it is for a person to change without even noticing it and what impact carry everyday things that we give little to no attention at all. Also before i even check the video i had a feeling it was that one :P I have seen it a couple of years ago and likewise no gorilla in my sight :P

Thankfully i never been in the Dark forest. More like in Brown or Grey Forests but i just acknowledge the issue thinking calmly and then make my choices with only thinking of going forward as a person and ofc if there others that ''hurt'' me i just completely cut ties with them.


Ha! No gorilla for you too :D @filotasriza3. Acknowledging things calmly is a very wise approach indeed. Particularly when keeping calm in times of adversity is such a difficult task! However, it is the only way one can make sense of things and, consequently, move forward!

Glad you liked the post my dear.
Have a wonderful weekend :)