The hidden psychological component in STEEMIT that creates "addiction" & hype. In the same time it's revolutionary.

in #psychology9 years ago (edited)

So, my perspective related to STEEMIT: it's something hidden. It's called the creative flow and it's not another pseudoscience crap.

It's so obvious that this theory, invented by the psychology professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi it fits perfect here, on STEEMIT. This creativity flow is that behavior that makes us evolve. And it does in the best way, the most efficient one. Our own curiosity, our thoughts about us or others , the desire to change ourselves, to experiment, to know more and more, all these brings us in the right spot: we want to evolve.
Mihaly said that this creativity flow it's an amazing zone between anxiety and boredom.

Let me explain. There are according to his theory 2 types of personal evolution. Driven by:

  • anxiety or
  • boredom

Sounds strange, I know, but:

The first type of evolution is when we develop ourselves step by step, inch by inch, no rush, without experiencing to much outside our comfort zone. It' s playing safe all the time.

The second type of evolution is by forcing the barriers, developing ourselves in an new, unknown environment, driven by anxiety.

Sounds familiar ? STEEMIT, the anxiety to make a good post, to get a recipe for success. Everybody seems to have found one.

The optimal evolution (in this theory) is when peoples are in flow. They are happy in this state when actually, and this is really interesting, they are extremely focused, fully absorbed by the current task. Nothing else matters.

This is the optimal state for the inner motivation.

The person's dedication for current task and the challenges he/she are facing are so big that he/she forgets the basic human needs: hunger, sleep, social contact.

Crazy thing: even the EGO is ignored.

The vertical axis: challenges we have to cross over
The horizontal axis: our skills, we already have these
The skew channel: the creativity flow
The grey upper triangle: the anxiety zone full of stress and worries in front of the unknown
The grey triangle from the bottom: the comfort zone. We are pleased with the current situation. We feel relaxed, emotional stable, but something is missing. We fell that something is missing and we are stressed about this.

A1 - step 1 of our evolution.
A4 - step 3 of our evolution.

Where is step 2 ?

Two situations:
a) A1 > A2 > A4
b) A1 > A3 > A4

Situation 1:
Because A2 is safe & boring, the evolution is slow, without stress, but we feel continuous fulfillment. The others are doing stuff, evolve professionally, change the workplace, they feel more comfortable. We see them as they go by, have more opportunities and success. This type of envy will create a wall between us and them and will bring us deeper into the comfort zone. Here nothing bad happens and nothing good either.

Situation 2:
Because A3 is in the unknown and fragile place, the evolution will seem a bit rough. We are not ready for the unknown and neither for the learning process. New things, skills, people, rules. We will feel stressed all the time because we don't know what to do, how to do, if it's ok, etc. We feel pressed, anxious. We already want the comfort zone. From time to time we fall.

What's curious is that exactly this is the best model that suits us.

The best characteristic of humans, the one that differentiated us from the animals is adaptability. And is found only here, in the unknown. And reinventing ourselves continuously over and over. The evolution will have a lot of scars, it will be painful but the rewards will be great. After the first victories the selves term already strengthens. The next time we will be much capable. The resilience is growing.

Example of an environment that lets you grow quickly ;

  • you are surrounded by people more intelligent than yourself.
  • you have the possibility to evolve
  • the environment emphasize the delegation of new tasks to a newcomer like you.

That's STEEMIT, right ?

It's not important to know everything, to have knowledge or skills, but bored and lazy.
It's not good neither to have always courage. You'll be so tired by the adaptation to new challenges. It's not needed to be the best over and over. It will burn you up
It' quite efficient to stay in the creative flow.

In STEEMIT there is a rush for money therefore for blogging ideas, tricks, scripts, networking, etc.
it feels like the people are in a continuous hype, but only a small faction is in creative flow.
Anyway, all are not in the comfort zone. They are stressed and it seems they likeIt.

P.S. Mihaly is considered in U.S. The best science man in the Positive Psychology.



I've also been analyzing the psychological aspects of Steemit. I've found that, those you've identified in that creative flow, are mostly those which have discovered the fresh outlet for their age old content.

One of the main principles driving this, is the mass-migration of people ideologically and philosophically have been seeking a system which aligns with their value system. Considering the spirit of the Blockchain technologies was mostly picked up by people with grievances of the current financial and power system, Steemit has answered a lot of problems that prevented a lot of personalities from diving in with Bitcoin. The spirit of anarchism is very lively on this platform, and it may be the first platform which may be gladly branded by those who grasp its disruptive capability.

Yeah, I saw the anarchist movement rising in the last week. It was awakened by the new members, the ones with a powerful speech and history behind them.

It's really addictive, more than reddit or 4chan.
It will kill those soon imo

I think it's not easy to kill reddit because they target a different social group and have different expectations. And they have a history. And that is very important in social media.

Anyway, I like reddit, Quora, Facebook, Medium but for different purposes. All bring value. It's a different set of values for each platform.