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RE: Does Society’s Valuation of Attractive People Pose a Threat to Evolution?

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

I think thats quite a relative concept and cannot be answered in a sentence or too. It is relative because your question contains the word ''attractiveness" and the word "evolution" asking about the possible implications of their connection. Atttractiveness in my POV constists of two parts. The genetical one, and the cognitive one. The first one relates to all the inborn genetical information that pretty much defines what should be considered attractive. Based on the evolutionary logic, we are programmed for survival and reproduction and it is logical that we are bound to get attracted to other humans with the accordingly characteristics (curvy bodies for women, muscular appearance for men etc.)

The cognitive part deals with the human cognition as the ability of humans to believe in common beliefs/stories and cooperate to accomplish goals that would not be possible without the large scale cooperation. In other words it relates to the ability of every human to get convinced to believe any story that is presented with way ;p (money,religion,nations etc) So that is also how the attractiveness factor is influenced. When you are everyday bombarded with different type of body beauty standards (thank Capitalism for that), whether you like it or not you are subconsciously affected by them.

So you cannot be really objective about the definition of attraction since you are already a subjective POV!

About the evolution and how the Those who truly rule today possess more intellectual prowess more than physical I believe it can be explained by the fact that prosperity and survival at a collective level relies more on the intellectual part and the social skills than the brute force and possibly the appealing apperance. In other words, when it comes to a mass scale, it is inevitable that the geeks and the nerds will obtain higher places because of the huge necessity of cooperation that arises and their ability to usually perform better than the mainstrem attractive alpha males.

So in the end I dont believe that the attractiveness factor poses a real threat to the evolution because both concepts are quite relative. Anyone can be attractive, no matter how he/she looks. Its just that our genes seem toguide us subconsciously and most people fall for it.