Mental control, the existence of parallel worlds, fiction and reality, artificial intelligence, the accelerated advance of technology and the way in which human beings are easily suggestible to make us consume massively some product or accept a presidential candidate, even to adhere to some stream of philosophical thought and even accept the hypothesis of extraterrestrial beings, are things that arouse my interest about the mechanisms of mass control.
It is convenient to remember the famous MATRIX movie in which human beings were part of a virtual reality, where those who lived a "normal" reality if we can call it that, suddenly woke up to the reality of a parallel programmatic universe where human beings were grown in a kind of virtual farm.
Approaching a little more to our current reality and leaving aside some of these conspiracy theories, I want to share with you some mass control and manipulation methods that politicians, companies, sports teams, religions and social groups use in order to maintain the interest of people or simply to manipulate the opinion and the behavior of masses or a certain social group.
Many authors and scholars of social behavior have written about this topic, bringing up various methods of mass control, of all of them, today I want to mention three of which I invite you to discuss with me.
The education
In the first place we have education, it is the most basic form of indoctrination. If we take into account that governments have control of what we learn from children, through it they shape us from childhood telling us the cultural and political history of our countries from a particular point of view, what they teach us will be decisive for our behavior the rest of our lives, accepting the "good" or "bad" according to the particular criterion of the system or the whim of those who control power.
In the recent history of Venezuela changes were introduced in the educational curriculum, applying an alleged correction of history in our country names, dates of patriotic celebration, name of historical monuments were modified, going on to tell the story from a different point of view. that we already knew, creating a confusion of history, now we do not know if the real story was as they had before and was embodied in the texts or what is being written in this new stage of our country.
We could say that each one tries to manipulate the story in such a way that the events described can favor their particular project, at the same time make see the error or the manipulation of the other to enjoy the approval of the group and benefit from that.
Who manipulates? Who tries to control the masses?
Publicity and propaganda.
It is a method widely used by politicians and marketing companies in order to sell some product that you may not even need, a political option for some public office of someone who ends up being the least suitable person to occupy this position.
Advertising and propaganda are so powerful that they can manipulate your intention to vote or your opinion about a particular product.
In Venezuela in times of elections, in addition to banners, billboards, television, radio and social media advertising, it is very common to see trucks on the street with very powerful sound equipment, although it may seem like a lesser method, it is really effective to carry the message to the subconscious of the people, the method is the following: they hire an artist to write or make a version of a very popular musical theme and these trucks go through the sectors, the streets all day carrying that message, the final result is that although you are not good for music, somehow you end up learning that topic, singing and sympathizing with that particular option.
For some reason they say that music is the universal language!
One of the most basic and essential needs of the human being is food, since time immemorial the man sown, raised, and fought for their food, but based on those same food needs man takes advantage of his neighbor and using that need manipulates , exploits and controls certain social groups, until they come to exercise control of entire nations.
The shortage of food, the hyperinflation that destroys the purchasing power of the Venezuelan, has placed him in a situation of vulnerability before the people who hold power in the nation. This has made many public employees, housewives, unemployed and students afraid to raise their voices against a regime that curtails their rights, but that has control of the country's few foods, the fear of not receiving a food bag. , or lose some benefit of a government bond, have caused a large number of Venezuelans to exercise an accomplice silence for fear of losing part of the "benefits" (if it can be called benefit) in terms of food.
The ruling class, the existing elites on the planet, the most economically powerful, are always looking for a form of domination, a control mechanism through which they can exercise power over the weakest or least favored class, regardless of the status of equals in Regarding nature, nor respecting that we are all human beings, that we were born being the same.
We are the human race, there is no higher one!
Now I want you to give me your opinion about it. What do you think about the mechanisms and methods of domination and crowd control? Do you think you have been the object of any of them? Do you think that everything in the world obeys a massive manipulation?
I will respond kindly to every comment you wish to make.
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Wonderful publication..!!
I’m pretty sure that education is definitely the answer for this results. A better education, bring better results..
Many people have a complete different behavior, but it is not just for people. Many things manipulate humans mind.
Relationship. Politicians. Schools. News. Everything..!!
Food is really important for people. Not food maybe will change people for stealing something..!!!
I can say mindset is the result of everything in this world..!! Positive minded bring positive results..!!
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Hello my dear @edgarare1, thanks for coming.
Certainly everything is in the mind, that is why those who are in positions of power try to manipulate the mind of the masses to get benefits from some induced behavior.
Thank you for leaving your kind comment.
Take care
Dear @edgarare1
Indeed I also enjoyed this publication. One of those refreshing and making you think :)
If he resistance will be killed
If he has rice to eat
Most people no to resistance
Even if he live very difficult
Forced to work 12 hourses every day
Just only give him a meal
He won’t resist power.
If he have not rice to eat
Or he thinks the resistance will not cause his death.
He would resistance .
Hello dear @cloudblade, thanks for stopping by here Welcome.
Your appreciation is very good, but in most cases people who have been suffering from hunger for a long time end up thirsting before power and ending resistance, it is not easy to resist with hunger.
Thanks for your comment.
I know we certainly don't live on our own free will. We have to live under the guidance and guidance of someone. We must gain our independence by making our individual voices heard in the masses.
Hi @sipahikara, thanks for coming to participate in this discussion.
I live in a world where man wants to be dominant, and be above his fellow man. You are right when you say that we must make our voices heard, it is not about imposing our criteria but giving them their just value and not accepting impositions or manipulations of third parties.
Thanks for letting me know your opinion.
Dear @sipahikara
Excellent comment.
I'm not really sure if I would like people to be fully independent. That wouldn't ever be actually possible. Lack of some central authorities would always create "power vacum" and many local warlords / politicians would try to take advantage of situation.
Hello @fucho80, what a complex and quite controversial topic you have here...
It's no doubt that all humans are born equal but some have mastered that art of manipulation for their selfish reasons. They do this in so many ways even beyond those you have mentioned in your post.
I am glad you still have a version of your history in your curriculum, in my country there's none as the ruling class are mostly those who have committed one form of offence or the other against the state hence they don't want the younger generation studying their evil deeds in class because they are bent on remaining in power as long as possible.
One of the major strategies used at achieving manipulation is the 'divide and conquer' strategy. This works brilliantly well, as the masses sees themselves as rivals rather than one big family, leading to the unimaginable exploitation by most of ruling class.
In order to avoid or resist manipulation, one has to have adequate information and economic resource to do so however this is not the case in most circumstances. Going forward, access to equal economic opportunity for all is vital in ensuring true freedom for the human race.
Thanks for the invite and best wishes from here always,
Brother @straighttalk, thank you for visiting this publication, welcome.
That's true, the methods I list here are few compared to the multiple forms of domination, manipulation and control that people use to subdue their neighbor. However, this gives us an idea of what we live and what we are exposed to.
Unfortunately there is a lot of economic inequality and access to information, this limits us and makes us very vulnerable to manipulators
Great comment friend, thanks for letting me know your opinion.
You re more than welcome @fucho80!
Dear @straighttalk
Excellent comment. Would you mind if I ask you a question?
Let's say that people would fight for "freedom" and they would win. Whatever that would actually mean. Let's say that we would manage to free ourselfs from current authorities.
Wouldn't you think that lack of some central authorities would always create "power vacum" and many local warlords / politicians would try to take advantage of situation.
Greetings @crypto.piotr,
Definitely, there's always going to be a need for some form of central authority in any system of governance but the issue(s) remains how responsible are/would such authorities be to the plight and wishes of those that elected them.
At least if these central authorities can't make the masses better off, it's best to leave them in the state they met them rather then worst off!
Best regards,
Education or should I say self education should play a great deal for future citizen. Facts are just a small factor easily blurred by misinformation.
To counter this effect is for citizen to have skills of gathering information for themselves not just recipient of information.
Self learning rooted on experience and actual observation fueled by a ton of critical thinking, this should be the foundation for learning.
Critical thinking is the new IQ!
Hope my idea @fucho80 helped.
Hello @crypto.piotr this is an interesting post.
Hello my dear @guruvaj, how nice to have you here.
The theory you propose is very good, we must train our children and young people with a critical thinking, not only teach them to receive information without questioning where it comes from, whether it is true or not.
Particularly I think we are already waking up to that reality, people today look for other sources of the many that exist to corroborate an information or some programmatic content.
Very good comment, thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.
Dear @fucho80
Excellent comment. Would you mind if I ask you a question?
Let's say that people would fight for "freedom" and they would win. Whatever that would actually mean. Let's say that we would manage to free ourselfs from current authorities.
Wouldn't you think that lack of some central authorities would always create "power vacum" and many local warlords / politicians would try to take advantage of situation.
That is totally true friend, what is really necessary is to create a reliable information environment that minimizes manipulation, that people can develop their own criteria or critical thinking that allows them to make decisions based on their own opinion and not be induced decisions.
Dear @guruvaj
Excellent comment. Would you mind if I ask you a question?
Let's say that people would fight for "freedom" and they would win. Whatever that would actually mean. Let's say that we would manage to free ourselfs from current authorities.
Wouldn't you think that lack of some central authorities would always create "power vacum" and many local warlords / politicians would try to take advantage of situation.
To win over the other is such a long dream, both sides cannot eliminate each other, although government has the status quo for a very long time, but it has alot of struggles against those who fought for freedom.
The key here is balance. Centralized and decentralized system could have a dynamic relationship for the betterment of the majority.
There will be always a struggle along the way, its just how we evolve as a society @crypto.piotr
This is a hard 1 I always thought that the elite was bad and should be dismantled and the wealth shared however sometimes the elite are experts in there field and it is better for them to make that hard choice rather than the people like just look at the mess my country the UK is in with brexit!!! Great post get people thinking!!
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Hello my dear @steemingmark, thank you for visiting and joining the debate.
The elites around the world are always trying to dominate, control everything and it is regrettable but they use all these mechanisms to achieve what they propose.
Thanks friend for your comment.
Yes great point we should stop them
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Dear @steemingmark
Excellent comment. Would you mind if I ask you a question?
Let's say that people would fight for "freedom" and they would win. Whatever that would actually mean. Let's say that we would manage to free ourselfs from current authorities.
Wouldn't you think that lack of some central authorities would always create "power vacum" and many local warlords / politicians would try to take advantage of situation.
It could be a power vacuum yes but I think it would very important to police the situation with a 3rd party like s group of experts. My point is a country could not put every decision to vote for a free world.
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For politicians mass media is an effective way to make people believe in some ideology.
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Hello @videoaddiction, thanks for participating.
Correct friend, for politicians we represent potential votes, statistics in some poll and they want to use any means to persuade us to believe in what they offer or what they defend.
Comment well received, thank you.
From the very day we are born the influences of the society we are in begin with our parents, who already have ideas that they perceive to be right. They of course have had years of experiencing indoctrination from their parents and the world around them.
History is always written by the victors of one war or another, the political system they have grown up in.
In today's world we have the internet a labyrinth to search for the truth which is still hard to find amongst the lies and misinformation.
I think as in the metrix we the ordinary people of this world are steadily waking up to the control we have been under for centuries.
History is not black and white, the many twists and turns it takes some good some bad.
I often ask the question to myself, what would have really happened if Germany had won the second world war and the entire planet was controlled by one government.
A government incidently that turned a country from mass inflation to a super power in a very short time .
Would we have really been worse off than we are today?
It would have been very different.
After all none of us are truly free.
He who controls the food controls the people as you have said.
Monsanto and Bayer are moving to do just that with their GMO foods.
Taken to the ultimate end they would hold the patents to all the seeds we need to produce food.
They would dominate the world. A private organisation not an elected government.
I enjoyed reading your post thanks for bringing me here.
Peace and Love my friend.😎
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Friend @andyjem, thanks for joining and commenting. You are welcome.
The one who holds the power always has the facility to tell the story from his point of view, that is why we can not fully believe in a fact told from a single point of view, it is necessary to consult different opinions and thus do something a little to the truth.
Certainly as we grow and learn we realize that many of the things we learned, heard or read come to us in order to sow an idea that someone considered correct, a theory or a hypothesis.
According to you, that is a mechanism of domination used by governments and those in power.
Thanks, great comment friend.
Dear @andyjem
Excellent comment. Would you mind if I ask you a question?
Let's say that people would fight for "freedom" and they would win. Whatever that would actually mean. Let's say that we would manage to free ourselfs from current authorities.
Wouldn't you think that lack of some central authorities would always create "power vacum" and many local warlords / politicians would try to take advantage of situation.
That Piotr is a very good question.
In this world we live under bullies and greedy politicians.
It doesn't actually make much difference who you vote for under a capitalist system. Or any system come to that.
There is no real answer apart from the fact that we should be able to live outside the system what ever it is, otherwise we are not truly free.
Although I don't actual think we need a centralised authority.
All they do is sell us things we don't need or want.
I'm quite happy with a dirt track rather than an oil based topping to our roads.
I can dispose of my own wast, and if I could I would use a horse and cart rather than a car.
This all sounds like a fantasy but many people around the world do achieve some kind of autonomous life, we just have to look for the different way.
Not really an answer to your question, but more my thoughts.
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Media and propaganda. Those who control the eyes control the minds.
With enough bot Facebook accounts, you can control the thoughts and minds of those people the bots are connected with. You just have to have them post content and media that supports the ideology you are pressing and, the real people will be like sheep and follow it. Its very sad...
The way to fight this is with education, and teaching critical thinking skills.
Hello dear @jacuzzi, welcome once again friend.
Very successful your comment, critical thinking, not submitting to a single source of information, develop your own criteria and not consume any trash that put us in front is the way to get away from any means of manipulation.
Thanks friend, very good comment.
Dear @jacuzzi
Excellent comment. Would you mind if I ask you a question?
Let's say that people would fight for "freedom" and they would win. Whatever that would actually mean. Let's say that we would manage to free ourselfs from current authorities.
Wouldn't you think that lack of some central authorities would always create "power vacum" and many local warlords / politicians would try to take advantage of situation.
What shall I say... we are In the same sinking boat.
Suddenly our history is something to feel ashamed will be changed, is already changed.
School and teachers manipulate students, punish them if they use their brains, have their own opinion. You are punished if you do not go to the mosque ... Muslims are not punished if they do not visit different churches with the school.
If you do not agree with the teacher you are punished or labeled as a student who's a strong will and own opinion has to be broken!
This is what exactly what school wrote in my son's dossier. He was 7 years old.
Latest news:
The prime minister Rutte did do everything to finish the PVV... they invested a lot. I wonder why the media come up with this news at this moment. We will not have new elections, it is clear they cheated and the media mainly takes out the news the prime minister wants us to know.
So what is he doing in the meanwhile now he distracts us stupid idiots with this news?
Advertisement and commercials do nothing to me. I am allergic to it. Most I do not like and if they are annoying I will avoid it.
It is clear it is hard to open up your mouth if this means you have nothing to eat.
That is the same everywhere. If you get social help you are not that stupid to complain. Someone with common sense does not unless he can find a safe way to do so.
Although the terrorists (once called refugees by the media) do not care and easily collect 130.000 euro a year.
Perhaps you all should come to Europe.
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Dear @wakeupkitty thank you for coming.
The rulers always try to manipulate the information we receive, always trying to keep believing their lies or remain ignorant of the bad things they are doing so that we continue to support them.
Food becomes a very strong means of manipulation and all those who can control food exercise control over those who are hungry.
Thanks for this great comment.
Dear @wakeupkitty
Excellent comment. Would you mind if I ask you a question?
Let's say that people would fight for "freedom" and they would win. Whatever that would actually mean. Let's say that we would manage to free ourselfs from current authorities.
Wouldn't you think that lack of some central authorities would always create "power vacum" and many local warlords / politicians would try to take advantage of situation.
If people do not change there will always stand up someone who wants to be in charge and... be rewarded for it.
You already see that in one family. Someone is in charge, sets the rules.
If you want to be free you have to live your life alone, with as less as property to take care of and be self providing as much as possible.
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Massive domination, because at this time in Venezuela I am under the effects of the worst communist manipulation, which is achieving the flight of hundreds of people from my Venezuela starting with my children, those of my neighbors.
@fucho80 happening to leave support a good reading
Hello @sacra97, thanks for joining the conversation, you are welcome.
Unfortunately this is the case, there is a high degree of manipulation in Venezuela, but sadly there are many people still believing the official discourse.
Thanks for your comment and our venezuela will get up.
Dios te oiga muchacho y en español, ja, ja. Venezuela se levantara otra vez. @fucho80
Manipulation of the masses has been going on for many years. Yet we continue to be manipulated. However, it is part of our maturity to realize what is right and what is not.
From a very young age, we are programmed to listen and behave well. Rewarding those who don't speak, those who follow the rules, etc.
We live in a world of repression. But our voices are heard through social networks, the internet, globalization and history, it makes us see what is right and what is not.
Sooner or later governments will fall.
The important thing is to learn from experience and not repeat the same mistakes.
Thanks for sharing
Welcome brother jadams2k18
Right what you affirm, we realize all this tangle of manipulation as we mature and our mind opens to other things, then we have an open mind to realize and see those who still live entangled in this macabre game
Yes, fortunately today we have means that help us to know and spread our truth and the reality of things.
Thanks for coming friend, great comment.
You're welcome my friend
Dear @jadams2k18
Excellent comment. Would you mind if I ask you a question?
Let's say that people would fight for "freedom" and they would win. Whatever that would actually mean. Let's say that we would manage to free ourselfs from current authorities.
Wouldn't you think that lack of some central authorities would always create "power vacum" and many local warlords / politicians would try to take advantage of situation.
Hellos my dear friend!
That is a good question
I think that by our very nature, we'll wait for someone to get up and take control. Just as in Kings (the Bible), people expected someone to get up and that was who they were following. In the end, we are sheep, creatures of habit. We need to follow someone.
@fucho80, If we see the MATRIX movie then definitely one thing is connecting with reality and that is, in one scene we saw human beings are used as Source of Energy, it can be possible that one day we will just remain as Source of Energy for Artificial Intelligence.
Sometimes it feels like we are deceived long time back.
This comment was made from
My dear @chireerocks, thanks for joining this theme.
Wooo, do you really think that happens? particularly I think that human beings will continue to donate the world, it is the same human beings who use these mechanisms of manipulation and control to achieve a particular purpose, that is my appreciation.
Thank you for your comment, very welcome brother.
Welcome and thank you so much for your kind response. We don't know what's the truth but i believe that truth will reveal itself.
Sure friend, thanks to you for coming.
Welcome and thank you.
Dear @chireerocks
Excellent comment. Would you mind if I ask you a question?
Let's say that people would fight for "freedom" and they would win. Whatever that would actually mean. Let's say that we would manage to free ourselfs from current authorities.
Wouldn't you think that lack of some central authorities would always create "power vacum" and many local warlords / politicians would try to take advantage of situation.
In my opinion we should understand one point and that is, we all are responsible our situations. And the battle between Good and Evil is never ending but, it's important to understand the games of Centralisation.
In Decentralisation atleast different communities can earn the strength and they can stand for their truth and they will develop opportunities what is good for their community. In Centralisation it's impossible to empower everyone but through Decentralisation it's possible.
Most importantly we need Decentralised Media so that we can come out of the Matrix.
Have a wonderful time ahead and stay blessed.
Dear @fucho80
Interesting choice of topic. Thx for sharing link to this publication with me.
I've been also paying much interests to psychology of controling masses and it amaze me how sophisticated some methods are.
I trully wonder how much am I being controled, how my own behaviours has been shaped by surrounding environment. How much there is still "free will" in my own actions.
Thanks for sharing your knowledte. Really interesting read. Upvoted already.
ps. I've quickly learned as a kido, that subject called "history" is one hell of a bulls**t.
Hello my dear @crypto.piotr, thanks for stopping by here.
In agreement with you, but sometimes it takes us time to realize the distorted history, the ones that how many the history often twist it.
Thanks friend, it's a pleasure to read your comments.
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People who pursue or sect or doctrine are perceived as being manipulated or controlled but that isn't always the case. We all do things for different reasons and following a doctrine because of what you've been told doesn't mean you are being controlled but doing what the doctrine says without knowing what you are doing could probably be seen as manipulative. Just following it alone isn't enough to be seen as being controlled.
A critic mind set can help you fight against the systems that want to manipulate you, but you have to commit to find the truth, no matter how it annoys you.
The search for truth is a long one. It needs a lot of mechanisms in order to avoid biases.
In our country the system has imposed a cloud over the truth. There are no institutions to believe left alive, just a cloud of noise over another layer of noise. We only see the tip of the iceberg.
But aside that scenario there's a lot of people struggling to tell the truth, to make a common ground where everithing makes sense again. Where you can see the whole iceberg. When you find them just keep on track, don't believe every word, contrast their view with anothers, and keep looking for a more accurate model.
critical thinking is a skill that needs improvement. I'm wondering if there is some methodology or systematic process that helps to think critically
Hi @fucho80,
Please pardon me. I was unable to comment on this publication of yours earlier. Today at any cost I will post comment a few hours from now. I am really sorry for this complacency friend. please pardon me.