GreaT POST !! - ))
Eart(H) is OUR collective C_enTer .. the place WE are ALL C(all-in)G "HomE" .. for NOW .. and, OUR (H)eart OUR individual C_enTer .. in OUR ChesT, OUR personal T(re)A'sure !!! - )))
i reALLy love this post .. but, it's missing a powerful & important "word" .. when talking about .. E-mo(ti)on-S .. = GUIDANCE - ))
(( note .. EARTH & HEART .. are the same word, but for where the "H" the "8" the "INFINITY'S" placeMEnt IS -))
ON EartH WE can use a compass to navigate .. so OUR HearT "must have" a similar FUN'ction .. CO(m)PASS = eMOTIONs (( see the MO-ON in e'mo(ti)on's )). WE are incredibly blessed .. to FEEL IN-S(iD)E !!! - ))) Emotional Gui'DANCE is the KEY to the (in)visible MaP, to the K(in)G(do)M with(in) .. the only "me'A'sure'ME'nt" tool needed !!! - )))
'Meditation' is a great 'sensitivity enhancement tool .. and has been clouded with the idea .. that 'it' can be "good or bad" .. ha ha - ))) Sitting with (( E-YE'S )) closed, in a comfortable position, with a 'single' FO(C)US = feeling the sensations "as they are" .. is all it takes (.)
Developing OUR personal "EQ" .. has such a "heavy" PRICE (( sad face )) .. feeling good, tuned 'in', and filling me with JOY !?!?!?! ... it just ruins my "life sucks & BUMMER" attitudes .. jeeesch !! - ))
.. who wants that ?? - ))
lovelovelove )))
greb'Z )
PumpeD & reSTEEMed - )))
dude,, um.. i think you are from an advanced alien family from the stars!
I feel like i need to take some LSD to really comprehend what you have just said.. there is SO much genius in there.. i will have to tweeze it out bit by bit!
amazing comment .. wwhhaaaaAAATT!
FroM YOU .. this is an AMaZING compliment !!!!!!!! - ))
.. thank'S YOU !! - ))
INspi'ration .. is such a glorious feeling !!! - )))
and ... is the GardeN of EpiphanY - ))))))))))))))
Please "HUG" someone today .. and k'NOW !!! !!!
.. i wish it were me - )))
lovelovelove )))
greb'Z )
ps " tweezing " out my 'crazy' alignment ?? will feel like an invitation for me !!!
ha ha .. to 'add' more slivers of FUN !!! - )))
.. just saying - ))