Is Narcissism More Frequent These Days?

in #psychology8 years ago


We encounter narcissists every day. They can be your neighbor, coworkers, even your date. Narcissists are vain, egotistical, and full of themselves.

In an article in the APS Observer, psychologists W. Keith Campbell and Jean M. Twenge write about the rise of narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). They say that culture is partly to blame.

Research on NPD suggests a dramatic increase in narcissism in the last decades; people in their 20s are much more likely to suffer from NPD than people over 60.

The newest generations seem much more likely to be self-centered; they give much more value to personal fame, money, and success. They also have more self-esteem, less empathy, and are more likely to have cosmetic surgery than previous generations.

It seems social media is aggravating this problem, with its spotlight on personal image. More often than not, social media is all about the self, the promotion of self-image.


These researchers also point out that parents are also to blame. Helicopter parents and relatives that insist their children are precious and unique are probably the worse offenders.

Then there's our leaders and people in high-level positions. When we see these self-centered, narcissistic individuals get ahead in social areas, we feel encouraged to behave in the same way.

The researchers point out that we may simply be more aware of narcissism, and that why we're starting to see it everywhere.

References: W.K. Campbell & J. M Twenge. Narcissism unleashed. Association for Psychological Science Observer, Vol. 26(10), pp.28-29.



Strongly agree) good article) I follow you;)

Thank you, @maxer27 ;)

Narcissism is destroying countless lives.