Having an online presence on Facebook in particular is a tough balance. Since many of those who follow you are actually family and friends, you want to share news about the children, or the pets, or something the family is doing together. You also become conscience of and try to avoid what some will do, and that's constantly complain or share every bad moment ever.
So, it's a double edged sword. You want to share your life with loved ones that you don't see very often, but at the same time, you don't want to share ALL of it. So, it's really easy to set up a false facade just trying to share.
That's certainly not to say that there aren't people who put up fronts. There definitely are. I just think that quite a bit of what you might see from family and friends is trying to share yet keep it light.
As for your question, no I don't find myself mirroring anyone. I've never really found a reason to do so. I can't keep up with the Joneses, so why bother? :) I've gotten to the point now where I think I'm pretty happy with myself and my life on an ongoing basis (could always be better and could always be worse) and I believe I'm aware of what I need to work on to improve myself as a person, so I don't see how mirroring someone else, on or offline is really going to help me or people's perceptions of me.
I get this, and the same happens to me. If it wasn't because of social media I wouldn't be able to keep with important people in my life.
hahahaha awesome movie!
I think that's the sweet spot we all want to achieve :)
Cheers mate!