Does Summer Affect your Mental Health?

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)

‘The tans will fade, but memories are forever’

So it’s THAT time of the year for us!! The summers are finally here. Whilst people are busy working up their beach body and spray tans, I am sitting here wondering if summers affect our mental health? I personally know that I am happier and more chirpy during the summers. Soon enough, I began the research and stumbled on a study conducted by Google in collaboration with American Journal of Preventive Medicine that monitored population mental illness trends in the States and Australia. The results in America were –

*Searches for suicide declined by 24% in the states
*Eating disorder were down by 37% in the summers
*Bipolar searches decreased by 16%
*ADHD declined by 28%
*Schizophrenia searches decreased by 37%
*Obsessive compulsive disorders searches declined by 18%

My theory is that weather forecasts our activities. Summer allow us to be active, be outdoors and enjoy good social time with BBQ’s and pool parties. Being physically active has direct positive effect on endorphin hormones which are our mood elevators. As winter approaches, our bodies tend to hibernate more. We have less energy to spare for activities leading to lethargy and isolation. In Essence, what am trying to convey is that being physically active is a great way to keep a healthy mind. So don’t skip on those plans of going for a hike, cycling or explore travelling. The exercise prescription for depression, anxiety and stress is real you guys!

The blog has been published first at www.hearyourmind.orgtoa-heftiba-270794.jpg


Great post, thanks for sharing !

Thanks for the feedback :)