The power of the mind in health (part 2)

in #psychology5 years ago (edited)

Hello, I realized that very little is said about mental power, how important and mysterious it is, sometimes we think it is not true or we simply do not know and act through the mind and we do not realize how much. And today I will talk about the second part of the power of the mind, and in the first part I explained it where an introduction and explaining how it should be applied and exercised in order to develop it. Now part two is coming, and it's like applying it in other areas and today's is the mental power for health.


Entonces pasa que cuando la mente consciente quiere que todo vaya bien, de inmediato la mente subconsciente se activa pensando en el miedo y las reacciones que podemos tener de sentirnos totalmente fuera de control y que podemos fracasar de un momento a otro antes del propósito inicial de que todo vaya bien.


Our mind is the manager of the entire functioning of our internal mechanism, in a nutshell it is the functioning of our organs even of the most automatic and instinctive. So it is capable of residing the ability to direct, manage, coordinate and make all our organisms work, so it is very important to help us health.

The mind extends to new ideas or sensations, and does not return to its old dimensions.

The two minds: we could consider that we have two minds is the conscious, rational and analytical, and the one we call subconscious. It is the cause for which there is a time when we want to feel good, but our desire does not link with the internal state. As we began to feel bad, tired, and it seems that we had no control of our mind, our thoughts or our body.

In the subconscious mind all strong emotional experiences are archived, and they usually activate memories, emotions, blockages and inferences in situations that remind us of previous or traumatic experiences, even if we are not aware of it.

When we tend to live very intense moments, our subconscious will recognize other situations related to those as dangerous, and will cause them to activate the alert systems feeling overwhelmed, upset and suffering, although at present it is nothing dangerous.

The health of well-being: our mind is one that can generate well-being or discomfort, despite not being aware of what health is doing is a state in which we will feel good, either physically or psychologically. And feel good depending on how the mind can process the circumstances of life are good or bad.

Mental programming: minds usually program themselves, with messages we receive in childhood and the one we are living throughout the life we ​​lead, and this programming determines our discomfort or well-being, since we knew how to carry things They live like reacting to the problems we may be going through.

Often the mental programming is filed in the subconscious and from there, problems that we reflect in our body are managed.


Mental reprogramming: this is about changes and to achieve this we must reprogram our mind, it is necessary for health that is the same as trying to open a path to generate attitudes, evolution symptoms, thoughts and feelings of well-being.
This is to be achieved with psychological therapy, with cognitive restructuring techniques as well as believing in God and that in him we are free from mental prisons that block us.

And so the person discovers the wrong programming in his subconscious mind, which generates discomfort and illness. If the mind has the power to direct the functioning of our body, it is very certain that it can do it correctly and generate health, so it is important to discover where the emotional blockage of the subconscious is and unlock them so that emotions, attitudes and thoughts can flow healers


The power of the mind to generate health: taking the reins of our health is to deepen the mental domains, since we see that the subconscious mind is not easily accessible, we must use and have access to the conscious, logical and analytical mind, at the same time we see the emotions that bloom in the process.
For that we must have a positive and realistic mind transmitting a message to ourselves of being able to do it.

  • "I can get it"
  • "I know how to do it"
  • "I will heal"
  • "My body knows how to restore balance"

And this will help in a conscious, rational, logical, and intentional way that positive messages lead us to be well-being. This will restore the power of our mind, discovering and reminding us of the internal capacities to return to the balance of health.



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