This is 100% true. As I read through, I began to remember people and events. I can relate to the guilt part.
Whatever you do, know that your dignity, your self esteem and confidence is at stake so
Someone once sponsored my trip to a five days training. And three of those five days, I was practically his house boy
On the fourth day, he asked me to iron his clothes while lecture was going on. I told him no. I felt guilty inside, you know. Like an ungrateful fellow. It look a lot of resolve from my part to stick with my no. I'm grateful I did. Because at the end of the training, I got a scholarship to a mini MBA program
I just had to tell myself that I wasn't in Lagos to run errands and all. I was there to learn. Looking back, it was worth it. He still tries to manipulate me into doing things for him but I recognize them now and always stick with my no's (mostly "I'm busy" though)
Thanks for sharing