letting go the past is something very hard especially when it i negative. Yea, humans seems to forgt good things easily.
There was a South African girl who killed herself after 3-months of being a rape victim....maybe she struggled to forget the rape case but couldnt
Do you think that a lady impregnated by a rapist would ever let go?
Whenever she sees the fruit of the rape, she would remember afresh the incident
I am so sorry to hear about this girl you mentioned here @ikchris. It is a very sad story, and you raised a difficult question from it. I don't think it is possible to forget something like that. Particularly in the scenario you proposed here: pregnancy as a result. A child from that incident would be what in this post is discussed as a trigger. If such event happened; than, the victim would need support, love and guidance in order to learn to leave with happened to her.