Many times I hear how crying depicts a weak image for anybody who does it. Specially for the ones who do it more often. For me It has a deeper meaning and it does not need a cure.
Whomever cries more easily than others, might be immature. Not in sense of mentality, but in acceptance on how to love. This might sound silly, but it is actually deeper than that. It means the love of the life, carried inside ones heart. It means a lack of connection, between your heart and mind. It means a lack of perception from a real projection within comprehension for simple minds.
Love belongs to a surface which is born within the depth. Both have to be together, in order to develop strength. A strength to project whatever wound has produced one moment, a strength to accept when our tears have watered our skin. A strength for moving on, and a lesson to carry on.
There are different types of tears. There are certainly ones who come from negative intentions. However, nobody owns your tears more than yourself. Nobody has the duty to step up your game, yet only a few ones will help you heal.
If compassion was fully existent, certainly we would live in a world of love. Where tears would not be an issue, and sadness would have a place like happiness. It won't be a big deal.
For all of us who cry sometimes out of a petty misunderstandings, let me tell you to never forget to love yourself. Do not pity yourself for crying, don't listen to negative judgments, just experience your emotion at peace. There is no where to run, no where to go, just to be by your own, healing. Everyone feels this peace and warmth underneath after crying. You might say it's because you are tired, but beyond that, is how your body has released the negative energy from inside you and its on you to wire up again and to not keep it hanging. To accept the natural healing and move on from it.
Some wounds take longer than others and patience is the mother of love. Patience to yourself, brings patience to others.
Stay tuned, understand your natural ability to heal, don't forget to be grateful for whom you are. It might not match the moment now, but remember the bigger picture is always in tomorrow.
Cry, smile, love, be human, help other humans be humans. Don't judge.
What great insight! “Tears of Inner Strength” - what a profound concept, and one that I believe has much relevance. Crying is one of our most powerful emotions. In my view, crying should never be relegated to anything petty but rather reserved for moments of true sorrow, overwhelming joy, intense sadness, and universal compassion. Even though I am a man, I’ve always cried for these reasons. The older I get, the more such reasons reveal themselves…