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RE: Thoughts about reality and our unique perception of it.

in #psychology7 years ago

Oh man, really good topic,

I personally feel that reality is more important. It's pretty easy to go around thinking that what we perceive is most important, hard not to honestly. That's just kind of what we feel until we really look for reality.

I mean how many of us actually have taken the red pill and gotten out of the way of reality. The world looks much different when our ideas, beliefs, and personal feelings towards things are dropped to give space for reality to show us what's actually happening.

Nice one as always


The thing is, that no matter how hard we try, getting rid of our innate subjectivity is probably impossible.

It very well could be, the way some of these teachers talk about seeing reality or truth makes it seem like they are taking in the reality unfiltered by a personal perspective. Not sure though, I haven't gotten rid of subjectivity yet.