I first became aware of Jordan Peterson after I wrote a short article for a Norwegian news site about gender roles in November.
A commenter had a link to a video where Jordan Peterson and Camille Paglia discussed this important topic:
Jordan Peterson first became known because he said NO to using gender-neutral pronouns at the University of Toronto.
He later became an overnight star after this interview on Channel 4 January 16 2018:
I especially like the part where Jordan Peterson slams the claim that the gender pay gap exists, by showing research findings on factor analysis (big 5).
Jordan Peterson seems to be influenced by Jung and his personality psychology, and he flat out stated that he thinks that Cathy Newman was animus-possessed (meaning to much masculinity) and that this also is the case with feminists. They are not against masculinity per se, but feminine (anima- possessed) men. This also align with my own view. He also think that SJW is just a result of increased influence of women in the workplace and in politics. This is needles to say, a very politically uncorrect claim.
I would highly recommend anyone that is feeling confused about gender roles, postmodernism to watch all his lectures on Youtube . In his videos almost all the students in his class are female, whereas 80% of his Youtube-viewers are men.
It is estimated that men are almost gone from the Universities except from the STEM fields in 10 years. The are several reasons for this, but the public school system is designed to give girls better grades, or at least the personality traits that girls have, and also that men do not thrive in female dominant environments.
It is also scary that high intelligence is associated with over excitability and ADHD symptoms, meaning that the egalitarian public school system could leading to huge numbers of intelligent pupils ending up as losers.
However, I do believe that men are still as much motivated to learn as before, and the fact that Jordan Peterson attracts such a hoard of young men is a testimony of this, and could also be part of tapping into the collective unconscious and resonates on a deeper lever.
As more and more unbiased education is online, this could be in line with Google's leading futurist Thomas Frey's prediction that an online school will be the largest internet company in 2030.
Jordan Peterson has recently published a book which I highly recommend:
What we can learn from Jordan Peterson's video is that by honing your linguistics skills by using a precise language, you can easily dismantle any verbal attack.
Also, you can always say NO and see what happens.
It's frightening to think that if I had been born 30 years later I very likely would have been thrown into the ADHD box and been medicated for nothing more than natural curiosity and energy. The only thing I can hope is that the pendulum on the feminist movement has swung far enough and is getting ready to swing back the other way, into a more normal and natural state for everyone.
It is scary, because curiousity and scatter mind is often just a sign of high IQ, but our school system punish this kind of natural behaviour.
I've long been an advocate of less medication and more understanding. Unfortunately the governmental/military complex just wants the easy way out. Plus it helps the pharma contingent. Come to think of it, a large population of loser males helps the military complex as well. Damn.
Jordan Peterson is what would happen if Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung had a spiritual child...
Hi, I am not familiar with Joseph Campbell, but from the short description on wikipedia I guess you are right. Going to check out his works.
I am little bit confused, coz I think you are better than "Jordan Peterson"! Actually I am not 100% accurate about what Jordan Peterson do, but I think I am very accurately understood what you are doing! You got a nice philosophy and I think it comes with your wide area of knowledge and experience!@janusface,
I'm not familiar with Jordan Peterson's works yet, so it's something for me to look into!
James Altucher wrote a great book about this topic called The Power of No. It's also something Greg McKeown addresses in his book Essentialism.
Ok. Cool. Did not know that the Power of No actually existed as a book. Going to read it:)
So what you are saying is Jordan Peterson is a literal Hitler and watching his videos is a total waste of time?
Sorry for the late reply. I am not sure if I understand your comment. Jordan Peterson's rhetorics is almost the exact opposite of Hitler. JP try to tell the truth, whereas Hitler deceive by using hypnotic language pattern and lies. JP actually very interested in Hitler btw. He has some interesting videos about Hitlers personality and Nazi-Germany.
Lol... I am just making fun of the stupid reporter. Obviously you have missed all the great memes that her "interview" generated 😁😁😁😂😂😂😂
Yes. I did, but here is 24: https://medium.com/@stianchrister/24-memes-that-sum-up-jordan-peterson-vs-cathy-newman-7c7b9229f2f
fuck, that was hilarious XD
Peterson is far too intelligent dealing with the human condition to last in the spotlight. He is being hurt by these less intelligent interviewers. I hope he focuses more on preserving some inner peace for himself, and less on taking on these masses.
I guess he has some divine motivation of something:)
The rise of Jordan Peterson has been meteoric, I've known him since last year, before I did not know he existed, and now a lot of people talk about him, he's a star, I think he's presenting something that many people think but nobody says, it's practically a reaction to postmodern progressivism.
I have not read your book yet, despite the many recommendations that have made me, definitely on my list, since as far as I could see in their interviews and classes, is a man quite intelligent and meticulous, measures well enough each of the words he uses.
We must face gender roles in a clear and educational way, without undermining the identity of each person. good post, congratulations. I invite you to read my last post and count on your vote .. thank you.
I never heard of this guy, but I watched the second video to the end, and I truly like it. There are some useful stuff in it. I will watch another one ( the longer one ) as well, completely worth of it.
I commend his willingness to speak out against gender neutral pronouns and other nonsense because he's part of the academia.
However I'd like to see him speak out against replacement migraton that's going on in the west as well. And from what I've seen he doesn't really want to address it aside from being against open borders.
I know that JP has studied islam, and he found "nothing of interest".
The issue with islamisation is complex. In a pre-postmodernist society ruled by men, I can not see this replacement taking place. Just look at Hungary etc. JP could be testing the waters a little. When he has loads of followers, he could start to address your concern. However, JP is primarily a psychology professor, and migration is not really his field, and he could be ridiculed by fellow academics if he step too much out of line. What he have said so far is mostly a mixture of old research on gender and common sense. It is just that the postmodernists have done an exceptional good job at rewriting history and down play the role of human nature in rise and destruction of civilisations.
I'm hesitant to talk about it here for obvious reason but when I said replacement migration I didn't just mean to single out muslims but I mean other races too.
Whites make up about 8-12 % of the global population (no official figures just various estimates). We're esentially a global minority. Politicians in western Europe, US, Canada and Australia seem to be hell bent on making whites a minority in their own countries as well. And this nonwhite immigration policy started at almost exactly the same time somewhere in the 60' and 70's. Every race has a continent esentially reserved for themselves but only white countries are up for grabs. Europe especially shouldn't be even up for discussion but yet it's happening here as well.
Here's a profound video from an American Indian about immigration into America and other white countries. He discusses the concept of open borders which never before existed in history and that whites are giving away their countries. I really recommended it.
Nice video. This American Indian also highlights islamisation as the worst enemy.
It certainly look dark for the future of Western civilisations, but it could appeal to younger men to try and save their country. Become a hero. Time will tell.
Camille keeps trying to put him in a box but he won't play her game, he is far too intelligent.
Only two genders.
And it's time for feminism to learn that no means no.
wow amazing you have a great post. I really like your post. Its very helpful for user thanks for sharing. Thanks
Interesting video and Jordan Peterson always differed conservative views, which is so now lacking Europe and his book is the best evidence! Thank you @janusface
Nice upvote @janusface https://steemkr.com/aceh/@sayfulbahri/keutamaan-menghafal-hadist-478f5918ba872
It's a benefited post to all.hope people will be watch and learn many things on this post.keep sharing.thank you.go ahead.
i like it
great post,..thank u
Interesting articles and can add insight, just with the word "no" we can find what is happening with us, psychology is indeed very extraordinary ...
the power of No, the topic is quit inetresting .
I would highly recommend anyone that is feeling confused about gender roles, postmodernism to watch all his lectures on Youtube . I like this part
nice article
thanks you
Nice work @janusface interesting article love it.
i think your post is good
Great post and so on and so forth
Look up Jordan Peterson on the JRE podcast...
Thanks brother for sharing a good information for us..
everything is familiar
rules of life for tomorrow
Thanks for sharing @janusface
Got to see this book
interesting post you have come up with quite extra ordinary i would say thanks for sharing these videos :)
Very interesting. #resteemed
You have written a lot about philosophy. I have learned a lot about your writing. Thank you