How one differentiate sexuality and intimacy? Are sex and intimacy different? Can you have one without the other? Or is one the stimulant of the other?

Apparently, there are many contradictory opinions regarding the roles of sexuality and intimacy in a relationship and outside of it.
It is difficult to get to the bottom of these opinions since there are not two people who have exactly the same views on sex. In the more traditional aspect, sexuality comes together with a long-term commitment, such as marriage, which is associated with the couple that has an intimate connection between both, whose main purpose is to have children, among others.
People separate the term of sex with that of making love. Sex is a physical act and without intimacy. However, making love has a degree of connection between the two present, associated with the physical act.
However, there are many situations in which the couple intimidates without having sex. For some, medical problems can prevent sexual intercourse, although it does not prevent them from having a loving, intimate and satisfying connection. Intimacy can be cultivated in many aspects: spending time together, having physical contact without being sexual, loving kisses or enjoying common hobbies or listening to each other.
Sexuality is only a way to give and receive love, and although it is very important, it is not essential or the only way to develop or express intimacy.
To be intimate with your partner, you must be honest with them and be open, and from there, good sexuality will grow. Previous relationships, problems of childhood or adolescence and other emotional conflicts, can interfere in these connections. When this happens, there should be individual or conjugal counseling, as it will be beneficial for both. Not only will it help solve the problem, but your relationship will be deeper and more intimate, and also sex will be amazing.
Sex or making love?

However, in a society whose thinking is more promiscuous, the connection between intimacy and sexuality may be tenuous.
Intimacy is the core of a strong relationship. It tries to know deeply someone, that allows him to be completely free in the presence of that person. This is an emotional state that is usually reserved for only one person. The ideal is the presence of sexuality within a loving relationship as the physical embodiment of intimacy, which comes from the connection with love. Within a suitable relationship, both are linked together in an indestructible way, since intimacy builds sexuality, and sexuality is based on intimacy.
However, sex is also just a physical act. In a relationship, it can also be an act without the consent of one of the members, a business or a mere physical exchange. The typical one night adventure is a clear example of sex without an intimate relationship. Men and women can venture in one night, but it is only a physical act. On the other hand, there is nothing more intimate than surrendering vulnerable to the physical act of sex, so it establishes another type of connection, even in the adventure of a night.

It is very interesting your topic and also controversial, in other words I would say very debatable, success!
both work together