Bullies, the Tyranny of Authority and the Abuse of Power

in #psychology7 years ago

There we are, doing our thing. But then someone doesn't like that others like what we're doing. They don't want someone to challenge what they want. Some people do things that challenge the self-view and worldview of others who want to keep things as they are so they can keep their positions of power and control. They will attack others who are a threat to what they stand for or what they want.

Why do some people bully or abuse others? Why do some people enjoy trolling, harassing or mistreating others? Why are some people looking to create meaningless conflict with others?

Power Over Others - Might Makes Right

It comes down to a lack of respect for others (and for themselves ultimately). They lack the ability to honestly look at themselves in the mirror and see what they are doing, which means they lack the ability of self-respect, to look back at themselves.

They live in a self-deception where anything they do is "good" for them and their interests, such as controlling others. They don't care about their intentionally malicious and hurtful actions towards others. They enjoy mistreating others. They are a bully that harasses people for the enjoyment of it, just because they have the power to do it and get away with it.

It's all about power and it's abuse. Think of the school yard bully. He was a bigger kid, tough guy, who had more strength power and liked to pick on those deemed weaker with less strength power. Bullies revive and keep alive the dead and degenerate ideology of "might makes right".

When bullies get to make the rules and have no accountability just because they are stronger, the governance is a kratocracy where the strong seize power through force. The bully controls the whole school.

When the corrupted psyches of underdeveloped adults have money as power, it's a plutocracy of rule by the rich.

Those who want and try to dominate others by strength of power have no real power other than the fear they install on the masses through their corruption, abuse, and harassment of those who have less power that a society is based upon. Getting away with abuses of power only happens when a community is corrupted as well. The rulers get to act with impunity where no consequences are applied to their wrong-actions.

The Tyranny of Authority Supported by Fake Communities

Abusers generate misery and suffering. Their degenerate and devolved consciousnesses often revel in it as a source of joy. Everyone who is honest sees this how an abuser of power enjoys continuing to abuse their power, especially if their power and abusive authority is challenged. How dare anyone challenge their rule they think, so they seek to punish them with more abuse and misery. This is how the authorities in the feudal systems worked, and how other tyrannies of authority work. Any disobedience to the lord master was seen as threat to their power which they swiftly dealt with in order to keep the rest of the people in fear and in the chain of obedience. Even many bosses in jobs operate this way because they have the power and they get the power-trip of authority that corrupts their psyche.

People remain cowards unable to stop the abuse because they fear the power and the misery and suffering that can be laid at their feet instead of someone else's. As long as it's not us being hurt, mistreated, abused or harassed, we tend to let things go on as they are because it doesn't affect us and we don't want the trouble or hassle of standing for what's right. Getting involved puts a target on our back so that the misery and suffering gets placed on us, and we don't want that at all. It's safer to just let the tyranny of authority and abuse of power continue to mistreat, harass and abuse others.

But the abusers only keep their power over others if others let them. This is why they have no real power. The people of a society give power to others for them to mistreat and abuse that power. If people stood up against the tyranny of authority then things could change for the better. If the people in a society will do nothing, then the tyranny of authority and the abuse inflicted upon individuals will continue.

The community is a sham and fake from being corrupted into following the tyranny of authority. The community let's harassment, mistreatment and abuses of power and authority continue. There is no unity against the wrong-doings to stop it. There is only unity to allow it to continue. The community is united to support the mistreatment of others, not to stop it.

This is when a community is a fake "community", where people only look out for their own personal self-interests and don't want to get involved in the hassle and trouble of standing for what's right. They keep standing for what's wrong by letting the wrong persist, and this is what the overall society represents.

It gets really fake when a community only wants to see itself as "good" with a fake positivity mask, while they ignore and deny issues of abuse of power and authority. That's when you can see the overall state of mind of a community and how much people are lying to themselves (i.e. lack of honesty and self-respect).

United in common truth and justice we stand to create a better way, or divided by personal self-interest and fear of power we fall into a corrupted society of plutocratic rule.

Abusers of power (bullies) like to validate, justify, excuse and rationalize that what they are doing is "right". Anything the ruler in power says is automatically "right" because they said so. If you challenge them, they can hurt you economically or physically. Dominating others makes them feel good. Making others feel bad makes them feel good. They lack self-love and self-worth in addition to self-respect.

Driving people into a lower consciousness state of fear is a constriction on consciousness to render conscious capacities unconscious. When a society lives in fear, they are living as falser selves, unable to realize and actualize greater ways of living. The society or community is false or fake, and acts as a support to perpetuate the abuse of power. Few people want to get involved for fear of being the next victim. And the abuse-victim cycle continues... on and on, until people stand against it.

When a community lets abuses and the tyranny of authority and power dictate what happens, then that community is living in fear and in a constriction of consciousness to change things for the better. A fake and false community ensures more living in the fear of a falser self that is afraid to stand up to the tyranny of authority.

Misery and Suffering

The abuse of others is often a compensation for the internal misery and suffering they live in. Why would anyone willingly choose to mistreat and abuse others and create misery and suffering for them, if they themselves were not already a broken and damaged psychological being? Psychologically healthy people do not go about mistreating others, abusing the power they have, and creating misery and suffering for others.

There is a saying you might know: “misery loves company”. They are miserable, and they don't want to be the only ones. They want to make other's miserable.

The sad part is most of them aren't even self-aware enough to understand their own miserable internal psychological composition. Deep down somewhere they feel like a victim, but they don't realize this. They want to make other people into victims by abusing them so that they aren't alone in a suffering world. They can target one person, a few people, or many people to try to be purposefully hurtful towards.

Think about how demented you have to be to gain pleasure from hurting others, just because you can. Bullies and abusers of power are very damaged people, be they children or adults. Though I would say the adults that do this are the most damaged of all; still broken children somewhere in their psyche, unable to heal and grow up into a mature adult. They are broken and can't fix themselves for the most part, since they lack so much self-knowledge, self-analysis, introspection and reflection upon their lives. They are on autopilot, recreating their trauma by passing it on to others through their mistreatment and abuse. They automatically do this as part of their being, as who they are now. They are unconscious and "dead" to themselves, just doing evil to others as was done to them.

Trolls and the Prison of their Own Making

On the internet it can be a large waste of time to deal with trolls. Trolls feed on attention. If you keep engaging with them it feeds their need for attention that they desire from you. It means what they are doing to try to irritate you is working out for them, because you give them what they want. Feeding them keeps them coming back for more food, attention. This is the sad internal state they are in. Their psyche and consciousness is suffering, and they seek attention in malicious ways to keep themselves entertained. The best way to deal with trolls, is to not feed them. Don't feed the trolls. Starve them from the attention they crave.

Some people have underlying issues in themselves, in their lives, in their psyche, and want to project their aggression and feelings of inadequacy out onto other people even if they don't have greater power to abuse others . Many seem to enjoy doing this. It makes them "feel-good". They are so confused internally, that abusing, bullying, harassing, trolling or being malicious to other people is "fun" for them. They are a psychological abuser. They enjoy spending their time and energy to purposefully make things up and try to take people down to their miserable level.

Instead of spending time, energy and effort looking at themselves in the mirror, they take their time, energy and effort to purposely try to put people down, make fun of them, insult them, call them names, and they enjoy it. It feeds their negative ego-"I"-self construct. They don't want to deal with their own internal issues and be a more positive ego-"I"-self. They don't even see and recognize what they are doing to others, nor see the deep issues within themselves. They don't want to see clearly, they don't want to look honestly. They are in denial about themselves. They lack the ability to look at themselves honestly, they lack self-respect.

Respect means to look at again. Self-respect is to look at yourself again and again, deeply, within yourself, your consciousness, psyche, etc. This is not about literally looking into a mirror. This is symbolism, analogy and metaphor. Look beneath the facade of who you pretend to be to others, the fake duplicitous projection you hide behind, and see who you really are by your actions across the board. Take a hard look at yourself, the real you inside, and heal yourself with self-respect.

People can't heal if they don't look at themselves honestly. Most of us don't like looking at our broken and shattered reflection of self. Excusing all your bad behavior as justifiably good for you keeps you locked in a prison of your own making.

You can start to respect others after you deal with your own internal mess to some degree. Find the root causal factor that has you engaging in these actions to harm others. It usually comes back to a lack of self-care and self-"love". If you deny there is even such a thing as a range of emotions characterized by words like care or "love", then you are stuck in denial and will never heal. Learn to have more respect and responsibility for yourself and your actions. This requires care, courage and will-power to honestly face the mirror.

Stop subconsciously seeing yourself as a victim that needs to lash out at others who did nothing to you. This is creating a cycle of abuse and victimhood to justify and excuse your actions towards others.

People don't often want to get involved in dealing with trolls or bullies. Sometimes they can be ignored, but sometimes they need to be stopped by people who care to get involved and do something about it. If people care about what's right -- more than the fear they have of losing money from the wealthy ruler, or of being the next victim in their campaign of abuse, misery and suffering -- then they can unite and stop bad people from continuing to do bad things. That's when a real community forms around the common unity of what is right and good. No longer is the tyranny of abusive authority tolerated.

Healing the Psychopath Within Us

Psychopath etymologically means suffering of the psyche, mind or consciousness, from psyche (mind) + pathos (suffering). Most of us are suffering from the condition of this world (within varying comparative degrees). We all have some level of issue in our psyche/consciousness, don't we? But some people are more visibly "psychopathic" -- more visibly in a state of deep suffering -- than others, because we can see it from their actions.

We are socially engineered, conditioned, programmed, brainwashed and indoctrinated into a falser ways of living, to be a falser self than the potential we could be, influenced into a delusion of illusions and appearances that prevents us from realizing and actualizing our substantive, authentic, truer, realer, higher potential we can become.

People who don't suffer, don't create suffering for others to suffer by their actions.

It's people who are suffering that willingly create more suffering for others, and even enjoy it.

We suffer ourselves and then we continue to create suffering for others, as an abuse-victim perpetuation cycle.

If we create evil and suffering for others, it can be ignorantly and unconsciously. Unconsciously, because we are not consciously aware nor evolved enough in consciousness to know the reality of what we are doing and therefore live in a false reality, an unreality. But some people know what they are doing and create a bad reality for others.

Honesty, Respect and Responsibility

If we create suffering we are suffering, and we are suffering from a lack of self-knowledge. The lack of self-knowledge is from a lack of self-respect to look at ourselves in the mirror, a lack of self-"love" to care to do that work on ourselves, and a lack of self-responsibility to own up to the actions and behaviors we create in reality.

This lack of self-knowledge, self-respect, self-love and self-responsibility creates the self-inflicted suffering and self-imposed enslavement we live in and continue to perpetuate for ourselves and others on this planet.

We're all on one space-ship Earth and are all affected and prevented from evolving and bettering ourselves as a species.

As long as we harm others we have no right to harm (who did no one any harm), then we create suffering, trauma and abuse, for them and ourselves because we are in a state of suffering in consciousness. We lack conscious awareness of ourselves, and lack care, compassion, empathy, conscience and morality. Healing, growing, evolving, changing, etc., takes time, attention, energy, effort, dedication, determination and persistence.

You can try to reason and argue with some of these people that are suffering, but denial is strong and they won't hear any of it. They can't face themselves int he mirror honestly because they don't have self-respect nor do they care for truth or what's right. They keep persisting in their self-delusional justifications of how "right" and "good" they are to mistreat, harass, and abuse others.

If we want things to get better -- for ourselves and the world -- we need to face our fears to stand against the wrongs and stand for what's right. Without this deep truer self driving force in human history, we would not be where we are. We would still be living in plutocracy, or in feudal systems, or other tyrannies of authority like still having slavery as a legitimate thing to do. It's because of people who stood against what was wrong that the world was made better. A person often can't change things on their own, but they can ignite a passion for truth and morality so that people can work to change things for the better.

Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.

Please consider supporting me as a Steem Witness by voting for me at the bottom of the Witness page; or just click on the upvote button if I am in the top 50.


I think you may have mischaracterized the situation a little.

Bernie is trapped by the nomenclature of the platform.
What he has done to you is downvote your content.
The platform calls that a flag, and has some unrevealed strong attachment to using flag instead of downvote.

Now, as a downvoter, Bernie gets to downvote whatever he wants for whatever reason.
I think you got his attention because, left unchecked, your ability to bring in the votes would run rampant.
The sky was the limit.

No doubt you are a master at this craft.
If you had been allowed to continue unchecked you had to have threatened stinc, et al's dominance of the reward pool.
Putting you in check, imo, is just good crapitalistic practice.

If they let you grow until the folks that voted for you got tired of voting for you, you could have ended up with the most influence on the platform.
I don't see that as a problem at some point, but in the beginning of the roll out I don't see that stinc, et al, had any choice to do but what they have done.

What I would like to see going forward is that you put this unfortunate situation behind you, and continue to put out extraordinary content.

Perhaps, if you and Bernie can look past the hard words, this can resolve it's self.

Putting me in check for doing what? Posting like other people? Having less rewards with 3 posts than many top authors do each day and week? If I was making $1k on each post, sure I would stop posting more, as other people have reduced their posting numbers. I tried to post 1x a day and was still flagged in March, so that was dismissed as a reason, especially since it was never even stated, it's always bullshit run around about how I can't keep rewards that are less than others who have higher rewards because of not having enough views, comments, or other excuses.

What are these magical rules where some people get to keep their rewards while others who have smaller rewards don't? I started posting 2 weeks ago and the posts were around $300-400 something for 2 posts. Did 2 posts for 2 days. They still got flagged anynways. Look at how many people at that time were making more than $300-400 on their posts and were allowed to keep the rewards. Whatever the rules are, the rules aren't being applied consistently.

I have tried to not talk about it, and just post. What did that get me? More flags. Then it got to $0. Being part of something where I'm not treated like everyone else, were I'm mistreated, isn't something that goes well with me. I don;t tolerate that. Is Steemit a place where people have equal opportunity at success? Isn't that what is promoted? If it's not, please sure to tell everyone who comes here expecting a lie. If there are rules, people need to know and they need to be applied consistently.

What is the cap for posts and rewards total? $1k? $2k? $500? Why can some people make multiple posts and keep their rewards, while others can't even if they make less overall rewards than other people? Where does this info come from?

I've tried to move past it before, in March, as mentioned in my post yesterday that recapped the whole thing. I posted then and was still flagged. I tried again and it persisted. Let me know these rules if I try again. If the rules aren't applied consistently to everyone on the platform, then they aren't really rules of the platform or community, they are just BS that gets selectively applied.

Thanks for the feedback. Peace.

I don't know why they have such hard feelings about you, but they haven't hit you as hard as @skeptic, @technocomanche, and @noganoo, they have been shut down for a while.

Being part of something where I'm not treated like everyone else, were I'm mistreated, isn't something that goes well with me. I don't tolerate that.

I know the power elites have a poor record for equity with those not of the inner circle.
Unless you brown nose tptb you can forget getting enough money to live well on, while the approved folks make bank.
I get that, the marbles are theirs.

the rules aren't being applied consistently.

So, what to do?
I just keep beating my drum, one day the folks will look up and see that the answer was being hidden from them by doublethinc all along.

Indeed, I try to move on but the flags don't stop. So I will keep beating the drum about the issue, no matter how many low-quality-thinking people want to say its just whining, complaining and other attempts to silence the issue from being exposed more and more. Resolving a problem doesn't happen if few are aware of it and few people support it. Thanks for the feedback.

I remember how it was in school and this article is really interesting for analyzing certain periods of time and seeing people on a different light.
Also there's an enormous amount of information here I must give it a second read

Yeah most people have experienced bullies in schools, but bullies still go on to be immature adults that keep pushing their suffering onto others. Thanks for the feedback.

By all mean provide a TLDR before I take out my upvote.

LOL! You don't need to upvote, it's all good. Thanks for the comment though. I had lots to say lol.

The summary I guess is how some people still live by the flawed ideology of Power Over Others through Might Makes Right.

Plutocratic rule is another form of might makes right, instead of the kratocracy of physical strength, its monetary strength.

Tyrannies of authority create fake communities that live in fear unable to actualize and realize the change for the better that most know and want. Fear of the authority restricts and constricts consciousness from being able to think properly, to imagine better and ways to create it, and to act and change things. Developing courage is hard when peopel are afraid to speak up against or challenge the authorities who flagrantly abuse their power. It outs a target on them. Fear makes us falser people, not living fully. We are faker people and the community is a fake as a result of living under that fear that prevents people from acting in ways that are right, and fear of acting against the authority.

Then misery and suffering is the companion of bullies and trolls, who create suffering for others to make themselves feel better.

Trolls are similar, and they can't be less invasive in life, mostly online, and can be dealt with by people uniting. But often it's best to not feed them attention, hence they create a prison of their own making through their behavior, that is if they do it to many people. If they only troll and mistreat few people, then others overall might not even care.

Finally, we can all heal our suffering in psyche, our psycho-pathy, with Honesty, Respect and Responsibility to others and ourselves first.

That summarizes it I guess. More info within.

It's people who are weak and insecure in their worlds that do such things. Be strong and secure in your world and no one can bully you. Great post, thanks for sharing.

never ever building happiness on the pain of others
thanks for sharing,power is often being misused to dominate people

You're welcome.

Man, they don't get you. I consider myself lucky to be able to see through your wisdom. Hopefully more people will join us.


i would perfer to be the bully then the one getting bullied. I've been on both sides. I can say with great confidence being a bully is a hell of a lot easier

Like your style of writting :) U got my follow, upvote and resteem :)

Oddly enough, I just posted this seconds before seeing your post. It's short. There's a reason for everything, and it seems a bit too coincidental, so maybe you're supposed to read it.

I dunno.

You think that applies in this case? I tried to just post, even 1 post in one day, and still flagged. Not talking about a problem doesn't make it magically go away.

Oh O , Decentralised suddenly centralized? by who?

Another great insight!